The Horizons of Islamic Civilization magazine accepts only refereed scientific research and apologizes for accepting articles that do not rise to this level.

The Journal of Islamic Civilization Horizons gets an impact factor of 42./. From the Reference Citation Project for the Sciences of the Islamic World (Isc); also I obtained an impact factor of 1.4 from the Arab Impact Factor Project (Association of Arab Universities)

Country of publication: Iran, Tehran

Supporting institution: Institute For Humanities and Cultural Studies

Date of start of issue: 03/14/2012

Journal Degree: Scientific B 

The magazine's language: Arabic (with the English and Persian abstract)

Issue type: Semi-annual

Arbitration and printing costs: Received after acceptance of articles

How to publish: Electronic 

Arbitration Type: (Double-blind)

Arbitration period: three months (at least)

Obtaining and uploading articles: All articles are subject to the open field (free)

Essay Acceptance Percentage: 12%

Magazine grade in ISC:Q3

Rated: Yes

All stages of receiving articles, reviewing them, reviewing them, accepting or rejecting them, and publishing them through the journal's website

Please follow up on the articles' placement by contacting an email:

To ask your questions, please contact us via email. In case of emergency, you can call 0098-2188614299 ( 231)
Dear authors, must fill in the Authors' Commitment Form (Copyright) and the Conflict of Interest form before submitting the articles.

The general trend of the magazine is to publish articles on the following topics:

Islamic sciences and the sciences of the Qur’an and the hadith

History of Islamic Civilization

Study the opinions of thinkers who have an important role in the development of Islamic civilization
Criticism of books and articles published in the field of Islamic civilization
It must be noted that the journal does not accept articles written in a descriptive approach
Only (even in Islamic and observant texts)

The main approach of the magazine in accepting and publishing articles is to move towards the approximation of Islamic religions, and respected authors are expected to pay sufficient attention to this issue.




Current Issue: Volume 27, Issue 1 - Serial Number 53, 2024 ((Spring-Summer)) 

Religious Approach in "sarradors" Poems


Maryam Rahmati; Jahangir Amiri; Eaman Ganbari

The metaphorical significance in the views of Sayyed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr


Ghaffar Ibrahim Mohsin Al-awadi; Ahmadreza HeidaryanShahri; Bahar Seddighi

Surprise in the Qur’anic discourse (a stylistic study)


Eshagh Sadeghi; Seyed Heidar Fare SHirazi; Rasoul Balavi; Hossein Mohtadi; Naser Zare

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