The metaphorical significance in the views of Sayyed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Phd Candidate in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Letters & Humanities, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.

2 Associate Professor in Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Letters & Humanities, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.



The metaphor's significance is extremely important in determining the meaning of the text which was mentioned, when a group of clues related to controlling that significance joins the meaning of the meaning according to what is required by the context, including understanding the text. Linguists believe that each word has a (central) significance, which is the common amount of the meaning that all people agree on, which is recorded in the dictionary. The lexical meaning is called, and besides this is a sign or marginal connotations, and those connotations differ in different individuals, cultures, ages, and symbolic significance They have - the use of its marginal connotations. The metaphor is an artistic way to enrich the significance and achieve expressive strength at the level of composition, and it is one of the best graphic means by which nature is guided to clarify the meaning because of the accuracy of the expression, so it gets the soul with pleasure and comfort. The writer uses metaphorical connotations to express words. This research aims to study the metaphorical significance of the opinions of Mr. Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr through its effects. The importance of research in the vision of Mr. Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr lies in the metaphor and the opinions of some scholars. The research addresses the relationship of originology with language science and the opinion of the martyr Al-Sadr about the truth and the metaphor, Where the research relied on the descriptive analytical approach. The result indicates that in the research (Metaphor), Al-Sadr discussed the opinion of Sakaki, and he directed his criticism to the basic idea of that opinion, which is the idea of (the prosecution), trying to refute it through his assumption, two references to the idea of (the prosecution) at Sakaki. - As a result- of the denial of the Sukaki Prosecutor and his idea in the metaphor, the study showed that he built on the ideas of his former imams of rhetoric- and in particular- Imam Al-Jarjani. The study indicated Al-Sadr's opinion on the interpretation of the origin of the metaphor, as it sees that the word acquires the validity of the significance of the (real and the metaphor) from the first place, but its indication of metaphor is a lesser and weaker than its significance to the true meaning.
key words: truth, metaphor, principles, Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr, opinions.
The linguistic and rhetorical lesson knew patterns of studying truth and metaphor, and many ancients came to acknowledge the existence of true significance, and the metaphorical methods that branch out from it. What we seek - here - is to clarify the aspects of the linguistic lesson in metaphor as one of the main ways of conveying meaning, and the metaphorical significance is of great importance in determining the meaning of the text in which it appears. This is when a group of related clues combine to control that significance, so the meaning multiplies as required by the context and from it. Understanding the text. Linguists believe that each word has a (central) meaning, which is the common amount of meaning around which all people agree, and which is recorded in the dictionary and is called the lexical meaning. In addition to that, it has a marginal meaning or connotations, and these connotations differ according to individuals, cultures, and eras, and the metaphorical meaning. -For them - it is the use of its marginal connotations. Metaphor is an artistic means to enrich meaning and achieve expressive power at the level of composition.

Materials & methods

 studying  metaphor is one of the best illustrative means that nature guides us to clarify meaning and because of its accuracy in expression, so the soul gets pleasure and comfort through it. The writer uses metaphorical connotations to express words. This is a study of the linguistic efforts of one of the most important modern figures in the field of jurisprudence and its sources. He is Ayatollah Sayyed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr, and his works deal with the sources of jurisprudence. This research aims to study the metaphorical significance in the views of Sayyed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr (may God rest his soul) through his works. The importance of the research lies in the vision of Mr. Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr the metaphorical meaning and the opinions of some scholars. The research addresses the relationship of fundamentals to linguistics and the opinion of the martyr al-Sadr about truth and metaphor, as the research relied on the descriptive and analytical approach.

Discussion & Result

This research indicates that Sadr has criticized Sakkaki's opinion regarding the permissible and has based his criticism on its main idea, which is the claim, and has tried to disprove the two main foundations of Sakkaki's theory. analyzed and then pointed out the weak points and errors in them to reject Sakaki's claim and his idea of permissible as this study shows that Sakaki based this idea on the opinions of his predecessors among the leaders of rhetoric. - especially - provided by Jurjani. The following research clarifies Sadr's opinion in the interpretation of the origin of figurative meaning because he believes that the word acquires the validity of implying both meanings (truth and permissible) from the beginning, but its importance for permissible is in connection with the secondary meaning, i.e. a marker. Far from the real meaning; Because the figurative meaning emerges from the sum of two associations (connection with the word and association with the real meaning) and here, in addition to the permissible need for the context of the text, on the one hand, a descriptive approach has been followed to trace the linguistic-semantic phenomenon from the point of view of linguists. On the other hand, the phenomenon of language itself is examined as part of the work of infinitives. Finally, this research deals with Sadr's perspective to trace the methods followed by these researchers and their opinions to create serious knowledge of Sadr's performance and mastery in discussing and evaluating linguistic-semantic perspectives. Sadr's description of the theory is important for the present research.
This theory can be added to the traditional theories of the language field. In light of his new linguistic theory, Sadr explains the origin of language and how sound is related to meaning in the field of semantics. to examine its basic, cognitive foundations and linguistic dimensions in the framework of modern linguistics. Therefore, this research is a comparative study that seeks to apply the theory of virtual meaning in the interpretation of meaning or semantics; Which emphasizes the first relationship between the word and the meaning of the word. One of the other achievements of this research is presenting different views of Sadr. With topics such as reality and imagination, association and equivalence, and functional words and their meanings, Arai Sadr deals with almost all aspects of language. It starts with the word and ends with the sentence, Sadr's efforts show the brilliance and innovation of this unique pioneer in this field, which can be related to his vision of unparalleled innovation in linguistics.


Main Subjects

دیدگاه سید محمد باقر الصدر در مورد دلالت های مجازی

غفار ابراهیم محسن العوادی*

 احمدرضا حیدریان شهری **

 بهار صدیقی***


معنای مجازی اهمیت بسیاری در تعیین معنای متن دارد هنگامی که  گروهی از  نشانه ها  در پیوند با یکدیگر قرار می‌گیرند تا مفهوم مد نظر  را تعیین کنند، بنابراین معنا بر اساس اقتضای شرایط  و از جمله درک متن، چندگانه می شود. زبان شناسان بر این باورند که هر کلمه دارای یک معنای کانونی است و افزون بر آن، دلالت یا دلالت های فرعی نیز دارد و آن دلالت ها متناسب با افراد، فرهنگ ها و دوره ها متفاوت است و معنای مجازی معادل استفاده از دلالت های فرعی است. مجاز ابزاری هنری برای غنی سازی معنا و دستیابی به قدرت بیان در سطح ترکیب است و نویسنده برای بیان کلمات از مفاهیم مجازی بهره می برد. این پژوهش بر آن است تا به بررسی اهمیت مجاز در آرای سید محمد باقر صدر (ره) بپردازد. اهميت پژوهش در بررسی آراء سید محمدباقر صدر (ره)به لحاظ واکاوی معناي مجازی و نظرات برخي از علما است. پژوهش حاضر بر مبنای رویکرد توصیفی- تحلیلی به بررسی رابطه مبانی با زبان شناسی و نظر شهید صدر در باب حقیقت و مجاز می پردازد؛ رهیافت پژوهش نشان می‎دهد که صدر در  مورد (مجاز) نظر سکاکی را  نقد و بررسی کرده و نقد خود را برپایه ی ایده اصلی آن یعنی ادعا بنا کرده است و با فرض ابطال آن تلاش نموده است دو پایه ی اصلی نظریه ی سکاکی را  مورد واکاوی قرار دهد و سپس به نقاط ضعف و خطاهای موجود در آنها اشاره کرده است تا در نتیجه ادعای سکاکی و تصور او از مجاز را رد نماید همانطور که این بررسی نشان می دهد سکاکی این ایده را بر اساس عقاید پیشینیان در میان ائمه بلاغت - به ویژه - جرجانی ارائه کرده است .پژوهش پیش رو نظر صدر را در تفسیر منشأ معنای مجازی روشن می‌کند؛زیرا او معتقد است که واژه از ابتدا اعتبار دلالت بر هر دو معنی (حقیقت و مجاز) را پیدا می کند.

واژگان کلیدی: دیدگاه، اصول، حقیقت، مجاز، محمد باقر الصدر.


*-   دانشجوی دکتری گروه زبان و ادبیات عربی دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی، دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد، مشهد، ایران.

** -   دانشیار گروه زبان و ادبیات عربی دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی، دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد، مشهد، ایران. (نویسنده مسؤول). ايميل:

*** -  دانشیار گروه زبان و ادبیات عربی دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی، دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد، مشهد، ایران.

تاریخ دریافت: 10/12/1402، تاریخ پذیرش: 29/03/1403

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