Study of the phonologic and written deviation in Nabil Yasin’s poem

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. of Arabic Language and Literature, Arak University, Arak

2 arak- S-shahid feheshti-arak un

3 Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Arak University

4 Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Arak University


Deviation is one of the expressions in the view of Russian formalists. This approach is one of the ways to foregrounding in a litereay text. This can be considered as a leviol from the the stsndard language. Deviation is a result  of  an approach that occurse in words and is created by the creativity of the poet in the use of unusual words. It causes the language unfamilar and unknown to the audience, makes him think and adds his enjoyment of the text. The English linguist Leech believes that foregrounding is achieved through two types of deviation and extra regularity. He has divded deviation in to eight types. Informing the audeience about the causes and highlight maker factors and analysis of the phonologic and written deviation and also investigation of Nabil Yasin’s motivations for using diviation in his poem is one of the goals of this research. According to the carried out studies sofar, no research has been done on deviation from the norm in Nabil Yasin’s poetry. This research aims to answer the following questions:
What are the elements of the  phonologic deviation in Nabil Yasin’s poems?
What methods of  the written  of deviation has used  Nabil Yasin’s in his poems?
What are the most important motivations of  the poet to use deviation in his poems.
 The peresent reaserch has studied phonologic and written deviation by descriptive - analytical method in the poems of the Iraqi poet Nabil Yasin. Contemporary Poets innovoted in language and poetic concepts with the trend of modernism and Nabil Yasin is one of them. In addition to being outstanding in terms of poetic concepts, the poems of this poet are innovative in terms of language and sharp poetic experssion. He has succeded in field of the musical distinguishes his language by using of phonological deviation. so, in addition to perfecting  and the musical effect of his poetry, he has helped to make the more pleasing to the audience. Nabil with special skill has created connection between the meaning and form and structure of the poem and also composes literery poems with special meaning and structure, and consequently lead to defamiliarezation. Phonetic deviation is ignoring the phonetic rules in language and using a form that is not common phoneticaly in the standard language. The poet experesses an unfamilar concept or idea in  an appearance that is cotrary to the habit by means of wrtten deviation, which may come to mind later than the concept itself. One of the most important goals of written deviation is visualizing poetry.In additon to words, this type of poetry takes help from the facilities and factors related to visual arts and draw a special image or shape in the audience’s mind by avoiding norms in the writing method. The results of the research indicate that the deviation and extra regularity caused the foregrounding in Nabil Yasin’s poem. Phonetic deviation has been manifested in the form of saturation, gemination and relief in his poem. He has conveied thoughts and feeling to audience in more tavorable way thrugh a special selection of words, due to their similarity and consistency with of the poem. The use of phonetic deviation in Nabil Yasin’s poem can express the intensity and ultimate regret arising from the poet’s inner state and his sadness and his dissatisfaction with the current situation in his country. The methods of written deviation in his poems are: Using shapes, separation, the letters of the words, use the punctuation marks, applying punctuation marks in the wrong place, applying numbers and addition. He has been able to establish between words and meaning by written deviation.The exrra regularity is one of the foregrounding methods in literart language. The rules are added to the standard language in this approach which casues foregrounding in the structure and literary language of the poem. The exrra regularity means that a lot of balance and this method is created throuh verbal repitition. Repition causes foregraounding, emphasizing and creating more beauty and music in poetry. The exrra regularity is manifested in the form of repetition of nauns, adjective, verbs, sentences and phrases. He has used the factor repetition in artictic way for the staleness of mental and social suffering and phonetic balance of words. Repitition in his poetry not limited in the musical elements, but if contributes to coherence and strenth of the poem’s structure. Deviation  and extra regularity are applyied in his poem in order to foregrounding, reflection of crises and unsettled conditions in Iraq. Therefore, he used deviation  inorder to innovate in the structure, language of his poetry and creation of new meaning.


Main Subjects

بررسی هنجارگریزی آوایی و نوشتاری در شعر نبیل یاسین


هنجارگریزی از اصطلاحات مطرح ­شده از دیدگاه فرمالیست­های روسی به شمار می­آید. این رویکرد یکی از شیوه­های برجسته­سازی متن ادبی است که می­توان آن را خروج از زبان معیار در نظر گرفت. از دیدگاه لیچ زبان­شناس انگلیسی، برجسته­سازی متن به دو گونه «هنجارگریزی» و «قاعده­افزایی» تحقق می­یابد. او هنجارگریزی را به هشت نوع تقسیم کرده ­است. این پژوهش هنجارگریزی آوایی و نوشتاری را به روش توصیفی ـ تحلیلی، در شعر شاعر عراقی، نبیل یاسین واکاوی نموده است. شاعران معاصر عربی به نوآوری در زبان و مفاهیم شعری پرداختند که نبیل یاسین از جمله آن­ها است. نتایج پژوهش حاکی از آن است که قاعده­کاهی و قاعده­افزایی موجب برجسته‌سازی در اشعار نبیل یاسین شده است. در شعر وی، هنجارگریزی آوایی در قالب اشباع، تشدید و تسکین تجلی ­یافته است.  شاعر از طریق گزینش خاصی از کلمات به دلیل هم­جنس بودن و هماهنگی بیشتر آن­ها با دیگر اجزای تشکیل­دهنده کلام سبب می­گردد  مفاهیم و احساسات شعری را به مخاطب القا نماید. روش­های هنجارگریزی نوشتاری در شعر او عبارتند از: کاربست شکل­ها، جدانویسی حروف واژه­ها و استفاده از نقطه­چین، به­کارگیری نشانه­های نگارشی در جای نامناسب، به­کارگیری اعداد و اضافه. او توانسته با هنجارگریزی نوشتاری میان لفظ و معنا پیوندی استوار برقرار کند. قاعده­افزایی در اشعار وی در قالب تکرار اسم، حرف، فعل، جمله و عبارت تجلی یافته­ است. به‌کارگیری این روش­ها در شعر او با هدف برجسته‌سازی و انعکاس بحران­ها و شرایط نابسامان عراق است؛ بنا براین، از این رویکردها برای نوآوری در ساختار و زبان شعر و آفرینش معناهای جدید بهره­­ گرفته است.

کلید واژه­ها: آشنایی­زدایی، برجسته­سازی، هنجارگریزی آوایی و نوشتاری، نبیل یاسین

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