Religious Approach in "sarradors" Poems

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor in the department of Arabic language and literature at "Razi" University, Kermanshah, iran

2 Professor in the department of Arabic language and literature at "Razi" university, Kermanshah, iran

3 P.h.d student in Arabic language and literature at "Razi" University, Kermanshah, iran..


The deployment of religious heritage in the sorradors poem has enjoyed High frequency. He has applied religious heritage in three areas: degraded civilizations- prophet's Stories- The prophet's ghosts and wars by centered of The holy quran that it show Mastery and acquaintance the The poet on the culture and celigious background. The borrowing from religious heritage has forgiven cryptic style to sorradors poem that has done its deep understanding hard except for audience that are familiar with islamic- koranic culture. this research intend so with help style of descriptive and analytical to analytical review of sorradors mods and check out borrowing of the poet from the Holy Quran in the fields mentioned. The most important achievements of this research it is the sorrador with use of rhetorical techniques including: metaphor- trope- mention- metonymy- submit the proposition and etc used the religious- koranic heritage to compose mods and have given quranic color and smell to his poems. Poet's approach to religious heritage it is important for this reason that in his days approach of correcting and unrestrained is ruling on poetry poems. therefore can considered his poem indicator example committed to religious poetry.


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