"مواقع اللاتحديد" وتحقيق التفاعل بين النص القرآني والقارئ "دراسة تحليلية في قراءة أنجليكا نويورث لسورة الرحمن "

نوع المستند : علمی ـ پژوهشی


1 دكتوراه في اللغة العربية وآدابها في جامعة تربية المدرس، طهران، إيران

2 أستاذة في اللغة العربية وآدابها في جامعة تربية المدرس، طهران، إيران.

3 أستاذ في اللغة العربية وآدابها في جامعة تربية المدرس، طهران، إيران.

4 أستاذ في اللغة الفرنسية وآدابها في جامعة تربية المدرس، طهران، إيران.


إنّ قضية التفاعل بين النص والقارئ ومفهوم "مواقع اللاتحديد" هما من أهم الموضوعات المطروحة في نظرية "جمالية التجاوب" لـ"ولفغانغ أيزر". تسعى هذه النظرية إلى إعادة الاعتبار للقارئ المهمَش في الدراسات الأدبية السابقة من خلال الاهتمام بدور القارئ في عملية القراءة، والبحث عن المفاهيم والطروحات التي تساعد على إقامة التفاعل بين النص والقارئ. تنطلق هذه الدراسة من تصور محدد وهو أنّ تلك المفاهيم التي طرحها أيزر تقدم لنا آليات إجرائية مفيدة لدراسة النص القرآني والنصوص التفسيرية من منظور جديد. وعلى هذا، تريد الدراسة تسليط الضوء على بعض مواقع اللاتحديد في سورة الرحمن التي هي من أكثر السور القرآنية إثارة للدراسة والتحليل بالنظر إلى شكلها الخاص، وعلى كيفية تعامل "أنجليكا نويورث" مع هذه المواقع باعتبارها القارئة لهذا النص. إنّ التركيز على نويورث في هذا البحث يعود إلى منهجها في دراسة القرآن وتأكيدها على تلقي السور القرآنية كالوحدة الأدبية وقراءتها التفسيرية للسور القرآنية والتي تسمح لنا أن ندرس تفسيرها وفق معطيات نظرية جمالية التجاوب وبالاستعانة من المنهج الوصفي –التحليلي. إنّ الهدف من هذا البحث هو الوصول إلى الطريقة الجديدة لدراسة البنية النصية للقرآن ولتحليل النصوص التفسيرية وتعيين معيار لتمييز تحققات المتلقين المفسرين القريبة والبعيدة عن هذا النص العظيم. وقد اتضح أنّ نويورث في دراستها التفسيرية لهذه السورة، تحاول أن تملأ مواقع اللاتحديد حسب المعلومات الواردة في النصوص الدينية السابقة وتحليلاتها الخاصة عن القصائد الجاهلية.

الكلمات الرئيسية

الموضوعات الرئيسية

عنوان المقالة [English]

The "Spots of Indeterminacies" and the interaction between the text and reader; Analytical study in Angelika Neuwirth reading of Surah Al-Rahman

المؤلفون [English]

  • Zahra Delavar Abrebekooh 1
  • Kobra Roshanfekr 2
  • Issa Motaghizadeh 3
  • HamidReza Shairi 4
1 PhD in Arabic Language and Literature, Tarbiat Modares University,Tehran,Iran.
2 Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Tarbiat Modares University ,Tehran,Iran.
3 Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Tarbiat Modares University ,Tehran,Iran.
4 Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Tarbiat Modares University ,Tehran,Iran.
المستخلص [English]

The interaction between text and reader and the concept of the "spots of Indeterminacies "are among the essential topics in Wolfgang Iser's theory of "Aesthetics Responsive ". This theory seeks to pay attention to the reader's role in the reading process and formulate concepts that lead to increased interaction between the text and the reader. This study believes that the concepts proposed by Iser provide functional mechanisms for research in the text of the Qur'an and interpretive texts from a new perspective. Therefore, in the present study, we tried to study essential indeterminate spaces in Surah Al-Rahman and investigate how Angelika Neuwirth interacted with these spaces of Surah. The focus on Neuwirth in this study stems from her interpretive approach to the study of the Qur'an and her emphasis on considering Qur'anic chapters as literary pieces. The purpose of this study is to achieve a new approach to research in the textual structure of the Qur'an as well as interpretive texts and determine an indicator to identify the near and far interpretations of this precious text by using descriptive and analytical methods. In this regard, it was observed that Neuwirth, in her interpretive reading of this Surah, tries to fill in the blanks by using the topics discussed in the previous religious books and the results of her analysis of the poems of the pre-Islamic period.
Keywords: Surah Al-Rahman, The spots of Indeterminacies, interaction between text and reader, Angelica Neuwirth.
The interaction between text and reader and the concept of the "spots of Indeterminacies "are among the essential topics in Wolfgang Iser's theory of "Aesthetics Responsive ". This theory seeks to pay attention to the reader's role in the reading process and formulate concepts that lead to increased interaction between the text and the reader. This study believes that the concepts proposed by Iser provide functional mechanisms for research in the text of the Qur'an and interpretive texts from a new perspective. Therefore, in the present study, we tried to study essential indeterminate spaces in Surah Al-Rahman and investigate how Angelika Neuwirth interacted with these spaces of Surah. The focus on Neuwirth in this study stems from her interpretive approach to the study of the Qur'an and her emphasis on considering Qur'anic chapters as literary pieces. The purpose of this study is to achieve a new approach to research in the textual structure of the Qur'an as well as interpretive texts and determine an indicator to identify the near and far interpretations of this precious text by using descriptive and analytical methods. In this regard, it was observed that Neuwirth, in her interpretive reading of this Surah, tries to fill in the blanks by using the topics discussed in the previous religious books and the results of her analysis of the poems of the pre-Islamic period.
Keywords: Surah Al-Rahman, The spots of Indeterminacies, interaction between text and reader, Angelica Neuwirth.
The purpose of this study is to achieve a new approach to research in the textual structure of the Qur'an and interpretive texts and determine an indicator to identify the near and far interpretations of this precious text and find out how Angelica Neuwirth dealt with the "spots of Indeterminacies" in Surat Al-Rahman. To answer this question, we rely on Roman Ingarden's (1970-1893) phenomenological philosophy, as well as Wolfgang Iser's (1926-2007) aesthetic response theory, which attempted to delve into the fundamental dilemma of the search for the interaction between the text and the reader. The significance of this study arises from becoming familiar with contemporary theories that raise new issues about the Qur'anic text and exegetical texts that lead to the completeness of our understanding of the Qur'an and for the interpretive recipients of this text.
The reason for this study's focus on Neuwirth is that she uses the surah as a basic unit rather than a phrase, verse, or syllable while studying the Qur'an. And she feels that the surah was intended to be a unit of informing and receiving from the start, thus the verse should not be stated without considering its context. A serious literary study of the Qur'an, she believes, requires a concentration on the surah as a whole. In her studies, Neuwirth emphasized receiving the Qur'anic surahs as a literary unit, and she believes that the surahs must be understood as the intended literary units.
Materials & Methods
The interaction between text and the reader and the concept of the "spots of Indeterminacies "are among the essential topics in Wolfgang Iser's theory of "Aesthetics Response ". This theory seeks to pay attention to the reader's role in the reading process and formulate concepts that lead to increased interaction between the text and the reader.
Wolfgang Iser concentrates his research on literary works and explains what causes the text and the reader's interaction. According to Iser, the structure of a literary text is full of empty spots, and these spots, as well as the blanks and gaps, are the most crucial component of the distinction between a literary and non-literary text.
These spots in the text create the "spots of Indeterminacies ", allowing the reader to participate. These spots, according to Iser, provide a foundation for communication and a motivator for interaction.  Communication begins when the reader fills in the blanks. As a result, as Iser puts it, the reader's purpose in his interaction with the text should be to fill in the empty spots. This process is subject to a wide range of variables: personal experiences, moods, and a variety of other things may all have an impact on how the reader completes it.
Iser believes that the reader's reaction to the text reflects his mood. The reader is pushed to divulge aspects of himself in this process, and these ambiguous spots prompt the recipient to use his brain and mind to solve mysteries; nevertheless, unless the recipient or reader is experienced and creative, achieving this level may not be possible. So this study believes that the concepts proposed by Iser provide functional mechanisms for research in the text of the Qur'an and interpretive texts from a new perspective.
Discussion & Result
In the present study, we tried to study essential Spots of indeterminacies in Surah "Al-Rahman" and investigate how Angelika Neuwirth interacted with these spots of Surah. In one of her papers, titled "Paradise as a Qur'anic Discourse," she devotes an in-depth examination of this surah (2017). She performs interpretation in this article, which is based on the interpretation of the phenomena of "paradise" in a few Qur'anic surahs, particularly Surat al-Rahman.
As mentioned earlier, from Iser's point of view, interactivity occurs when the reader fills in the blanks in the text. Two concerns arise in this context: the level of the reader's freedom to fill in the blanks and the ability to discriminate between concretizations near and far from the text. The idea of consistency must be followed when it comes to the reader's freedom. The reader's concretizations must be made within the context of the text's coherence and general structure.
 To establish which concretizations are near to the text, we found that those recovered from the surah's context are closer to it than other concretizations, and those inferred from the context of other surahs are closer to it than those retrieved from other preceding texts.
When it comes to Neuwirth's concretizations when analyzing the exegesis of Surat al-Rahman, the fundamental flaw in her interpretation is that she tries to fill in the gaps with material from previous religious texts and, on top of that, she employs the results of her pre-Islamic poem analyses. Using pre-Islamic poetry to concretize the objects is not an issue but Neuwirth's eclectic approach exacerbates the situation; She uses pre-Islamic poetry to concertize the surah at points, but she also rejects pre-Islamic poetry and uses a different concretization at other times. All of these concretizations serve Neuwirth's goal of providing a cultural translation of the Qur'an that meets the needs of today's reader and recipient.

الكلمات الرئيسية [English]

  • : Surah Al-Rahman
  • The spots of Indeterminacies
  • interaction between text and reader
  • Angelica Neuwirth

فضاهای نامتعین وتعامل میان متن قرآن وخواننده؛ بررسی تحلیلی خوانش آنجلیکا نویورث از سوره‌ی الرحمن

زهرا دلاور ابربکوه[1]

کبرا روشنفکر[2]

عیسی متقی زاده[3]

حمیدرضا شعیری[4]


تعامل میان متن و خواننده و مفهوم "فضاهای نامتعین" از مهمترین مباحث نظریه‌ی "زیبایی شناسی واکنش" ولفگانگ ایزر به شمار می آیند. این نظریه ضمن توجه به نقش خواننده در فرآیند خواندن، و طرح مفاهیم و گزاره هایی که منجر به افزایش تعامل میان متن و خواننده می شوند، درصدد اعتباربخشی به خواننده ای است که در مطالعات ادبی پیشین به حاشیه رانده شده بود. در پژوهش پیش رو با این دیدگاه که مفاهیم مطرح شده توسط ایزر مکانسیم های عملی مفیدی جهت پژوهش در متن قرآن و متون تفسیری از چشم اندازی نوین، به دست می دهند، سعی گردید ضمن بررسی مهمترین فضاهای نامتعین در سوره الرحمن که به لحاظ شکل خاص خود از پتانسیل های بسیاری جهت تحلیل وکاوش برخوردار است، نحوه‌ی تعامل آنجلیکا نویورث با این فضاهای سوره، واکاوی شود. اهتمام به نویورث در این پژوهش، از رویکرد تفسیری وی در مطالعه‌ی قرآن و تأکید او بر در نظر گرفتن سوره های قرآنی به عنوان قطعه های ادبی، سرچشمه می گیرد. هدف از این پژوهش، دستیابی به رویکردی نوین جهت پژوهش در ساختار متنی قرآن و همچنین متون تفسیری و تعیین شاخصی جهت شناسایی تفاسیر و تصورات نزدیک و دور از این متن گرانقدر با استفاده از روش توصیفی و تحلیلی است. در همین راستا، ملاحظه گردید نویورث در خوانش تفسیری خود از این سوره، سعی می نماید فضاهای خالی را با استفاده از مباحث مطرح شده در کتب دینی گذشته و همچنین نتایج تحلیل خود از مطلع قصاید دوره ی جاهلی، تکمیل نماید.

واژگان کلیدی: سوره‌ی الرحمن،  فضاهای نامتعین، تعامل میان متن و خواننده، آنجلیکا نویورث.


[1] دکترای زبان و ادبیات عرب دانشگاه تربیت مدرس، تهران، ایران.(نویسنده ی مسئول)،   z.delavar@modares.ac.ir ، 

[2] استاد زبان و ادبیات عرب دانشگاه تربیت مدرس، تهران، ایران. Kroshan@modares.ac.ir ، 

[3] استاد زبان و ادبیات عرب دانشگاه تربیت مدرس، تهران، ایران. Motaghizadeh@modares.ac.ir ، 

[4] استاد زبان و ادبیات فرانسه دانشگاه تربیت مدرس، تهران، ایران. shairi@modares.ac.ir  ، 

تاریخ دریافت: 05/10/1402، تاریخ پذیرش: 15/02/ 1403


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