الدنیا وتجلیاتها في الحدیث النبوي؛ دراسة موضوعیة في ضوء السنة النبویة

نوع المستند : علمی ـ پژوهشی


أستاذة مساعدة في قسم الإلهیات، کلیة العلوم الإنسانیة، جامعة بوعلی‌سینا، همدان، إیران،



إن الدنیا ومظاهرها شغلت حیزا کبیرا في الحدیث النبوي وقد رسم رسول الله (ص) صورتها بشتی الطرق، واستخدم استراتيجيات ومناهج مختلفة للنهي عن مغریات الدنیا ومفاتنها والحث علی نعیم الآخرة. لذا ارتأینا أن یکون مدار بحثنا الدنیا وتجلیاتها في الحدیث النبوي باعتباره حقلا خصبا بالمادة العلمیة التي تحتاج إلی من ینقب عنها ویسبر أغوارها، فلا غنی عن السنة النبویة لمعرفة دین الله ومقاصده. نهدف من خلال هذا البحث إلی تحقیق عدة أمور منها التعریف بالمناهج النبوية واستراتیجیاته في النهي عن مغریات الدنیا ومشتهیاتها، ومناهجه في الحث علی نعیم الآخرة، بالإضافة إلی إبراز الدور العظیم للسنة النبویة في تقدیم صورة کاملة للدنیا وإقامة مجتمع علی أسس التربیة الدینیة. وقد اعتمدنا في بحثنا هذا علی المنهج الوصفي التحلیلي الذي یرمي إلی تتبع الأحادیث المشتملة علی أوصاف الدنیا وجمعها، ثم تحلیل النصوص، وعرض نتائجها، وإبراز المعنی المراد منها، محاولین بذلك فهم کنه الدنیا وأوصافها وتجلیاتها في الحدیث النبوي. وقد أفضی بحثنا إلی مجموعة من النتائج من أهمها: أن النبي المصطفی (ص) في تعریفه بالدنیا ومقارنتها بالآخرة ارتوی من ینبوع القرآن الکریم، وارتشف من نمیر الوحي، واعتمد علی ست استراتیجیات وحوافز للحث علی الآخرة، وست استراتیجیات للنهي عن الدنیا ومغریاتها، وقدم صورة حیة کاملة عن الدنیا التي اتصفت عنده بسرعة التقضي والزوال والغدر، ووصف المتکالبین علیها واللاهثین لها، کما وصف فضل الآخرة وصفات الزهّاد والطرق المؤدیة إلی الزهادة، وضرورة التأهب للرحیل، وفي النهایة عبر عن تخوفه علی مصیر الأصحاب وانغماسهم في الدنیا والانجرار وراءها، والحل الوحيد في المنظور النبوي لعلاج المادية والدنيوية هو القناعة والاکتفاء بکفاف العیش وذکر الموت والتأهب له.

الكلمات الرئيسية

الموضوعات الرئيسية

عنوان المقالة [English]

The world and its manifestations in the Prophet’s hadith; An objective study in light of the Prophet’s Sunnah

المؤلف [English]

  • Somayeh Salmanian
Assistant Professor, Department of Theology, Faculty of Humanities, , Bu- Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran
المستخلص [English]

The world and its manifestations occupy a large space in the Prophet’s hadith, and the Messenger of God (may God bless him and grant him peace) painted its image in various ways, and used different strategies and approaches to forbid Muslims from the temptations and charms of the world and encourage them to the bliss of the hereafter. Therefore, we decided that the focus of our research should be the world and its manifestations in the Prophet’s hadith, as it is a fertile field with scientific material that needs someone to dig into it and explore its depths, and the Sunnah of the Prophet is indispensable for knowing the religion of God and its purposes. Through this research, we aim to achieve several things, including introducing the Prophet’s methods and strategies for forbidding the temptations and desires of this world, and his methods for encouraging the bliss of the Hereafter, in addition to highlighting the great role of the Prophet’s Sunnah in presenting a complete picture of the world and establishing a society on the foundations of religious education Yes. In this research, we have relied on the inductive approach by tracing the hadiths containing descriptions of the world and collecting them, then the analytical approach by analyzing the texts, presenting their results, and highlighting the intended meaning of them, thus trying to understand the essence of the world, its descriptions, and its manifestations in the Prophetic hadith. Our research has yielded a set of results, the most important of which are: In his definition of this world and its comparison with the afterlife, he drank from the source of the Holy Qur’an, drew from the light of revelation, and relied on six strategies and incentives to encourage the afterlife, and six strategies to forbid this world and its temptations. He provided a picture A complete statement about the world, which for him was characterized by rapid destruction, disappearance, and treachery. He described those who relied on it and those who yearned for it. He also described the virtue of the afterlife, the qualities of asceticism, the paths leading to asceticism, and the necessity of preparing for departure. In the end, he expressed his fear for the fate of his companions and their immersion in this world and the world Rar is behind her, and the only solution In the prophetic perspective, the cure for materialism and worldliness is contentment, contentment with a bare minimum, and remembrance of death and preparation for it.
Keywords: The Holy Qur’an, the Prophet’s Hadith, this world, the afterlife.
This world and the hereafter are topics that have always been of interest to various religions, including Islam. Consequently, the topic of this world and the hereafter has occupied a large space in the Prophetic hadith and was present in the pure Sunnah in a way that deserves to be placed in the spotlight so that we may perceive the characteristics of this world and the hereafter in the Messenger of God (PBUH). Therefore, we decided that the focus of our research would be the manifestations of the world in the Prophetic Hadith, and knowing how he dealt with it, and the strategies and methods he relied on to prohibit immersion in the world and struggle for it, and to urge the afterlife and explain its virtue compared to the world. The aim of this research is to explain the most important characteristics of this world and the hereafter from the prophetic perspective and his guidance for knowing them and the correct Islamic position towards them. In this regard, we have tried to rely on the correct sources and reliable hadith books, cited by Shiites and Sunnis. It is worth noting that there is no single source in which the hadiths of the Prophet (PBUH) in this world and the hereafter have been collected; therefore, the hadiths were collected from different sources. The importance of choosing this topic lies in several reasons, including that it looks for one of the most important topics that the pure prophetic Sunnah was interested in, and the need of the nation today to understand the noble hadith with a sound understanding from all aspects. We know that the position of the Noble Prophet (PBUH) on the world and its people is extremely important and his approach is the most correct approach in building thought, as he does not speak from his own desires at all and his words are derived from the source of revelation and the fountain of the Noble Qur’an.
The problem of the current research is summarized in the following questions:

What are the most important descriptions of the world in the prophetic perspective?
What are the strategies and approaches that the Messenger of God (PBUH) followed to prohibit immersion in the world?
What are the strategies and approaches that the Messenger of God (PBUH) followed to encourage the Hereafter?

Materials & methods
Due to the nature of the research, the inductive and analytical method was adopted, which is based on inducting and analyzing texts, presenting their results, and highlighting their intended meaning.
Discussion & Results
After this scientific tour on the subject of the world and its manifestations in the Prophetic Hadith, we can come out with the following results:
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) presented a complete and vivid picture of the world, and the most important thing that distinguishes the world in his view is the speed of its passing, its change, and its treachery. Therefore, he asks man not to depend on the world in any way, and not to replace the hereafter with the world and never abandon it, and to exert his effort to provide for the hereafter, and to take the world as a passage that leads him to the eternal station, which is the bliss of Paradise. And in order to call people not to indulge in the world and at the same time not to neglect the hereafter, and to achieve a balance between the two matters, he adopted strategies and approaches that are divided in this article into two parts: the prophetic approach in forbidding indulgence in the world, and the prophetic approach in urging the hereafter. These strategies have been classified into six approaches to forbidding materialism and worldliness and six approaches to urging the Hereafter and preparing for it.
The Prophet (PBUH) gave great importance to mentioning death, so much so that the necessity of preparing for it was placed in third place after the call to divine piety and the certainty of the transience of this world. Therefore, the Muslim should prepare for death and not cling to this world as if it did not exist and as if the Hereafter was always waiting for him. He should lighten his load, as there is a difficult and rugged road ahead of him that only those whose load is light can walk safely.

الكلمات الرئيسية [English]

  • The Holy Qur&rsquo
  • an
  • the Prophet&rsquo
  • s Hadith
  • this world
  • the afterlife

بررسی دنیا و مظاهر آن در حدیث نبوی در پرتو سنت پیامبر (ص)

سمیه سلمانیان[1]


دنیا و مظاهر آن در حدیث نبوی از بسامد بالایی برخوردار  است و رسول خدا (ص) به طرق مختلف سیمای آن را به تصویر کشیده است  و برای نهی از وسوسه های دنیا و تشویق به آخرت از راهکارها و روش­های مختلفی بهره گرفته است. پژوهش حاضر کوشیده دنیا و مظاهر آن در حدیث نبوی را مورد بررسی و تحلیل قرار دهد. این پژوهش چند هدف را دنبال می­کند، از جمله معرفی روش­ها و راهکارهای پیامبر  (ص) در نهی از وسوسه­ها و فریب­های دنیا و تشویق به تلاش برای رسیدن به سعادت اخروی است. همچنین در پی آن است که نقش بی­بدیل سنت نبوی در ارائه تصویری کامل از دنیا با هدف برپایی جامعه­ای مبتنی بر تربیت دینی تبیین کند. روش پژوهش توصیفی  تحلیلی است و از این رهگذر کوشیده­ایم اوصاف و ویژگی­های دنیا در احادیث نبوی را معرفی کنیم. برآیند پژوهش نشان داد که پیامبر اکرم (ص) در معرفی دنیا و مقایسه آن با آخرت از سرچشمه قرآن کریم و آموزه­های وحیانی بهره برده و شش راهکار برای تشویق به آخرت و شش راهکار برای نهی از دنیا و وسوسه های آن ارائه داده و از این طریق تصویری کامل از دنیا ترسیم نموده است که از جمله  ویژگی­های دنیا زوال­پذیری و ناپایداری، خیانت­پیشگی، توصیف دنیا طلبان و بیان برتری­های آخرت در مقایسه با دنیا، و صفات زاهدان و راه­های دستیابی به مقام زهد، ضرورت آمادگی و توشه گرفتن برای کوچ از این دنیا و در پایان ابراز نگرانی از سرنوشت اصحاب و دنیازدگی آنهاست.

کلیدواژه: قرآن کریم، حدیث نبوی، دنیا، آخرت


[1] استادیار گروه الهیات، دانشکده علوم انسانی، دانشگاه بوعلی­ سینا، همدان، ایران (نویسنده مسئول) s.salmanian@basu.ac.ir 

تاریخ دریافت: 18/1/1403، تاریخ پذیرش: 28/04/1403


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