تحليل مكونات اللغة المكتوبة لخطب نهج البلاغة (دراسة الخطبة الأولى نموذجا)

نوع المستند : علمی ـ پژوهشی


1 طالب دكتوراه في علوم نهج البلاغة ومعارفه، قسم علوم القرآن والحديث، كلية الإلهیات والمعارف الإسلامية جامعة ميبد، میبد، إیران

2 أستاذ مشارك بقسم علوم القرآن والحديث، جامعة ميبد، میبد، إیران.



إن أحد مجالات البحث في النصوص معالجتها من حيث كونها منطوقة أم مكتوبة. وإن كون النص مكتوبا أو منطوقا في هذه الدراسة لا يعني أنه كُتب أو نُطق، بل يعني مدى تحرك النص نحو الانفصال عن بنود وقيود الزمن أو المكان أو المخاطب، وهو في هذه الحالة يتجه نحو كونه مكتوبا وإن يبقى في قيد الزمن أو المكان أو المخاطب الأساسي، فذلك يعني أنه يميل إلى كونه منطوقا. يسعى هذا البحث عبر الاعتماد على المنهج الوصفي التحليلي إلى تقديم مكونات للتحديد كون النص مكتوبا مثل الاستخدام الأكثر لعناصر الزمن، والمكان، والمخاطب الخاص، والموضوع، والموقف الخاص، وضمائر الغياب، وإحالة الكلام إلى أدلة خارج النص، وكثرة استخدامات البنى التصريحية، والأساليب الوصفية والتعريفية، والأفعال التعبيرية والوعظية للفهم الأفضل للنص، ويحتاج فهمه الدقيق إلى التعرف على لغة النص مكتوبة أو منطوقة. كما أن خلق المفهوم لكل من الخطبة والخطابة وفصلهما من البعض في هذه المقالة هو أحد الأهداف الرئيسية. وتظهر النتيجة أن الحالتين واللغتين تحكمان خطب نهج البلاغة وأن حالة الخطبة الأولى ولغتها هي "الخطبة" أو "المكتوبة" وذلك حسب المكونات المكتوبة المستخدمة فيها.

الكلمات الرئيسية

الموضوعات الرئيسية

عنوان المقالة [English]

Component analysis of the written language of the Nahj al-Balagha sermon (Case study of the first sermon)

المؤلفون [English]

  • Seyyed Hadi Mirmahmoodi 1
  • Seyyed Mohammad Moosavi Befrooei 2
  • Ahmad Zare Zardini 2
1 Ph.D. student of Nahj al-Balagheh Sciences and Sciences, Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Maybod University, Maybod, Iran.
2 Associate Professor, Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Maybod University, Maybod, Iran.
المستخلص [English]

One of the fields of research in texts is the investigation of whether they are spoken or written, which is of great importance in contemporary language studies. Saussure proposed the distinction between language and speech based on the distinction between language ability and action, and the category of writing was a consequence of that distinction. In the definition and usefulness of the distinction between speech and writing, it can be said that speech or orality is most related to a time, a place, an audience and a special situation; because writing is more stable than speech and speech is more dynamic than writing. Spoken and written texts have different linguistic components that show themselves in all the verbal and semantic areas of the language, including sounds, words, structures, clauses and structures.
The verbal and semantic layer of the language in the oral and written language has rhetorical and stylistic implications, the structures governing them can be examined to determine the general nature of each of them based on what principles; Because the meaning, message, and rhetoric are different in speech and writing, and the structures and styles chosen for the (oral) word, naturally, may not be the same as the structures and styles chosen for the (written) book; Because the conditions, environment and context of the sentence require the use of verbal and semantic structures that are suitable for the situation and the environment. Therefore, the longer a text remains in the space in which it was formed, the more suitable the term oral or speech is, that is, it is a text that is dominated by temporal elements, spatial elements, the audience and the subject; Therefore, when its language has speech characteristics, it requires its own method of understanding and interpretation, and in order to read it, it is necessary to pay attention to what time and place it was said and who was the addressee. On the other hand, the same conditions and context may not exist during the production of written text, which means that the written text has become a text that has a large audience and can be read at different times and places.
Materials & methods
Speech and writing have their own components. Among the components of speech and writing, some are even common between the two. Written or spoken text in this review does not mean that it is commonly written or spoken, but it means how far the text has moved towards breaking from the clauses of time, place or the primary audience, which in this case, towards writing. It moves and to what extent it remains in the clause of time, place or the primary audience that tends to speech.
This research seeks to present writing components such as the most inclusion of time elements, place, special audience, subject and situation, pronouns of absence, referencing speech to extratextual evidence, multiplicity of functions of explicit structures, descriptive and defining structures and styles, preaching expressive actions for better understanding. It is a text that is necessary for its accurate understanding to be familiar with the language of the text in terms of speaking or writing, also separating the two concepts of "sermon" and "speech" in this text is one of the main goals, that is, sermon (equivalent to writing) and speech (equivalent to speech) ) is. In other words, some sermons have a written form and some of them have an oral form, that is, a part of the sermons in which the least elements of time, place and special situation have occurred, as "sermon" and another category of sermons that have the most The entry of the mentioned elements happened in it, they are referred to as "speech" in this text; Therefore, the conceptualization of "sermon" and "sermon" is done in the present research. Another goal is to analyze the written component of the first sermon of Nahj al-Balagha, the style of using verbal and semantic linguistic elements in it, and to introduce another manifestation of the linguistic rhetoric of Nahj al-Balagha that exists in its written language in order to predict a theory or a method that shows better understanding. How is the structure and content of the sermons possible so that an appropriate interpretation method can be adopted.
The result shows that according to the function and the presence of the most written components in the first sermon of Nahj al-Balagha, the title "Sermon" can be conceptualized and applied to the first sermon as opposed to "Khataba" which is more compatible with spoken language. The use of this title is because it was said that "speech" can also be conceptualized with the largest inclusion of spoken language components in the sermon of Nahj al-Balagha in contrast to its written language; Also, in this research, it was found that one of the foundations of a better understanding of the text is actually an accurate understanding of its language in terms of speaking or writing, and the result is also telling that two statuses and two languages ​​govern the part of sermons of Nahj al-Balagha, and the status and language of the first sermon, "Sermon" or "writing" is considered instead of "speech" or "speech" and this may be a speech or a speech in other sermons.

الكلمات الرئيسية [English]

  • written language
  • khutbah category
  • Khitafeh Category
  • first khutba of Nahj al-Balagha

تحلیل مؤلفه‌ای زبان نوشتاری خطب نهج‌البلاغه

(موردکاوی خطبه اول)

سید هادی میرمحمودی [1]

محمد موسوی بفروئی [2]

احمد زارع زردینی [3]


یکی از زمینه‌هاي پژوهش در متون، بررسي گفتاری یا نوشتاری بودن آنهاست. نوشتاری یا گفتاری بودن متن در این بررسی به معنای رایج نوشته شدن و یا بر زبان آوردن نیست، بلکه به این معناست که متن تا چه اندازه به سمت گسستن از بندهای زمان، مکان و یا مخاطب اولیه حرکت نموده که در این صورت به سمت نوشتار حرکت می‌کند و تا چه اندازه در بند زمان، مکان و یا مخاطب اولیه باقی مانده که به گفتار گرایش پیدا می‌كند. این پژوهش به دنبال ارائه مؤلفه‌های نوشتاری همچون بیشترین ورود عناصر زمانی، مکانی، مخاطب خاص، موضوع و موقعیت خاص، ضمایر غیابی، ارجاع سخن به قرائن برون‌متنی، کثرت کارکرد ساختارهای تصریحی، ساختارها و اسلوب‌های توصیفی و تعریفی، کنش‌های بیانی موعظه‌ای جهت فهم بهتر متن است که لازمه فهم دقیق آن را آشنایی با زبان متن از حیث گفتاری یا نوشتاری می‌داند، همچنین مفهوم‌سازی و جداسازی دو مقوله خطبه و خطابه در این نوشتار یکی از اهداف اصلی است. نتیجه نشان می‌دهد دو ماهیت و دو زبان بر بخش خطبه‌های نهج‌البلاغه حاکم است و حیثیت و زبان خطبه اول با توجه به مؤلفه‌های نوشتاری، «خطبه» یا «نوشتار» است.

واژه‌های کلیدی: زبان نوشتاری، مفهوم خطبه، مفهوم خطابه، خطبه اول نهج‌البلاغه


[1] دانشجوی دکتری علوم و معارف نهج البلاغه، گروه علوم قرآن و حدیث، دانشکده الهیات و معارف اسلامی، دانشگاه میبد، میبد، ایران(نویسنده مسوول)mirmahmoodi.s.hadi@gmail.com     

[2] دانشیار گروه علوم قرآن و حدیث، دانشگاه میبد، میبد، ایران  muosavi@meybod.ac.ir     

[3] دانشیار گروه علوم قرآن و حدیث، دانشگاه میبد، میبد، ایران zarezardini@meybod.ac.ir    

تاریخ دریافت: 26/1/1403، تاریخ پذیرش: 30/04/1403

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