التوظيف الفني للأساليب الإنشائية ودلالاتها في الشعر الفلسطيني المقاوم.

نوع المستند : علمی ـ پژوهشی


1 أستاذ مساعد في قسم اللغة العربية وآدابها، جامعة شیراز، إيران

2 أستاذ مشارك في قسم اللغة العربية وآدابها، جامعة شيراز، إيران

3 أستاذ في قسم اللغة العربية وآدابها، جامعة أصفهان، إيران


تعدّ الأساليب الإنشائية من أهمّ الوسائل التي يوظّفها الشعراء للتعبير عما يدور في نفوسهم والکشف عن تجاربهم والأحداث التي يعيشونها؛ کما أنها أداة مهمّة تميط اللثام عن جماليات النص الأدبي وميزاته الفنية ولقد أصبحت الأساليب الإنشائية جزءاً لا يتجزّأ من بنية النص الشعري الفلسطيني المقاوم والتي قد شغلت حيزاً کبيراً من مساحته؛ فلماذا استخدم شعراء فلسطين هذه الأساليب؟ وما هي الميزات الفنية التي تمتاز بها هذه الأساليب في الشعر الفلسطيني المقاوم؟ من منطلق هذا الأمر، تهدف هذه الدراسة الكشف عن توزيع الأساليب الإنشائية الطلبية الموظّفة وأنماطها في الشعر الفلسطيني المقاوم ومعرفة دلالاتها وظواهرها الفنية البلاغية. ولتحقيق أهداف البحث انتهجت الدراسة المنهج الوصفي– التحليلي والإحصائي. المتأمّل في بنية النص الشعري الفلسطيني يجد أنّ المخاطب وما يتعلّق به يعدّ جزءاً أساساً يتمحور حول الشعر الفلسطيني المقاوم وهذا راجع إلی قلة حضور التمنّي في بنية هذا النوع من الشعر، قياساً إلی سائر الأساليب الإنشائية؛ کثيراً ما نجد أنّ الشاعر الفلسطيني ينادي ما يکون غير معيّن هادفاً إلی إشاعة روح الصلابة والثبات في مختلف أرجاء المعمورة، ويلوذ بحذف النداء عند خطاب الوطن وذلك لتقريب مشاعره ومسافة حبه من الوطن المحتلّ؛ قد انزاح الشعراء بفعل الأمر عن دلاته الأصلية إلی دلالات مختلفة لعلّ أبرزها هو التهديد والتحدّي والتشجيع علی مواصلة الکفاح؛ يعدّ التحسّر علی ما حلّ بالشعب الفلسطيني من قتل ودمار وتشريد من أکثر الدلالات ترداداً في أشعار الشعراء مستخدمين أساليب الاستفهام المتنوّعة المردفة بوصفها ظاهرة فنية فيها.

الكلمات الرئيسية

الموضوعات الرئيسية

عنوان المقالة [English]

The artistic employment of the construction methods and their connotations in the Palestinian resistance poetry

المؤلفون [English]

  • Amin Nazariterizi 1
  • Yusuf Nazari 2
  • Mohammad Khaqani Isfahani 3
1 Assistant Professor at the Department of Arabic Language and Literature at Shiraz University, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shiraz, Iran
2 Associate professor and faculty member in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Shiraz University
3 professor and faculty member in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Isfahan
المستخلص [English]

aqani Isfahani***
It is no wonder that literary life has a close connection with political and social life. Literature in its various forms, such as poetry, novels, stories, etc., is considered an essential tool for the writer, through which he embodies the different aspects of the life of human society. It can be said that the Palestinian poetry of resistance is one of the most beautiful genres of literature, which plays a decisive, remarkable and continuous role in monitoring political and social events that directly affected it in its development and the renewal of its methods.
The Palestinian poetry of resistance has developed in terms of style and its levels. Compositional methods are among the most important means that poets employ to express what is going on in their souls and reveal their experiences and events that they live through. It is also an important tool that reveals the aesthetics of the literary text and its artistic features. Compositional methods have become an integral part of the structure of the Palestinian poetic text of resistance, which has occupied a large part of its field.
It is necessary to study this phenomenon based on what many scholars of rhetoric and researchers in the field of stylistics have said, as it has a remarkable effectiveness in the production of semantics, in addition to that it reveals the extent of the aesthetics inherent in the literary text; Where we notice that Abd al-Qaher al-Jurjani emphasized the importance of linking grammatical meanings in analyzing the literary text, as the advantage in speech lies in the meanings of grammar and linguistic structure.From this point of view, this study aims to reveal the distribution of the employed compositional styles and their patterns in the Palestinian resistance poetry and to know their artistic and rhetorical implications and phenomena. It should be noted that the researchers dealt with the methods of requesting composition in the selected poetry books, trying to identify the methods of poets using these methods and their implications in his poetry. As for the methods of non-requesting composition, we have disregarded them for the paucity of purposes related to them. We also refused to study the methods of prohibition and wishing because of their scarce presence in the collections.To achieve the objectives of the research, the study followed the descriptive-analytical and statistical approach. It also seeks to answer the following questions:
- How were the structural styles distributed in the Palestinian resistance poetry?
- What are the implications resulting from the structural methods employed in this type of poetry?
- Why did poets use these methods in their poetry and what are the artistic features that distinguish these methods in their poems?
As for the research sample, it is limited to five collections: 1- My Homeland Within the Siege by Samih Sabbagh; 2- Now take my body a sack of sand by Moein Bseiso; 3- Do not steal the sun from us by Ibrahim Al-Muqadamah; 4- It is Jerusalem by Nabila Al-Khatib; 5- The Palestinian wound and blood buds by Zainab Habash. Through a close reading of the various studies, we noticed that most of the previous studies have shed light on the rhythmic aspects represented in the rhyme and repetition of the Palestinian poetry of resistance.
We did not find studies that address the structural methods and the rhetorical and artistic features that characterize the Palestinian resistance poetry through the use of compositional methods. So this study seeks to shed the lights on an aspect that the researchers did not care about. What the article concluded is that the requesting compositional styles have a varying presence in the selected poetry books. The call, the command, and the interrogative lead the percentage of presence in percentages of (39.25%), (28.12%), and (27.92%), respectively, then the negative comes after it in a small scale, with a percentage of (3.32%), regarding wishing, as compared to all other compositional styles, it has obtained a slight degree of availability of (1.36%) in the structure of Palestinian poetry.
The one who meditates on the structure of the Palestinian poetic text finds that the addressee and what is related to it is considered an essential part that revolves around the Palestinian poetry of resistance. We often find that the Palestinian poet calls out to what is not specific, aiming to spread the spirit of solidity and steadfastness in various parts of the world, and he resorts to deleting the call when addressing the homeland, in order to bring his feelings closer and the distance of his love from the occupied homeland. The repetition of the call at the beginning of the poetic lines is one of the artistic methods that poets deliberately used, aiming behind it to draw the attention of the recipient and focus his attention on the importance of what follows the call.
With regard to the methods of command, we find that the receiver in the methods of command is the focus of the message and the axis of the saying. The poets, by doing the command, moved away from its original connotation and idiomatic meaning to new connotations, through which they were able to reveal their goals and intentions such as guidance and advice, threats and challenges, ridicule and underestimation of the Zionist enemy, and expressing regret for what happened to the aggrieved Palestinian people, urging to continue the struggle until the siege is broken, glorifying heroism and praising the steadfastness of the fighters, etc.
The interrogative style is a remarkable presence in the poetry books among the compositional methods after the call and the command and that is because of its performative ability to express the feelings and visions of the poets in different situations, and to attract the recipient to interact with the goals they seek behind the interrogation. Lamentation over the killing, destruction, and displacement of the Palestinian people is one of the most frequent indications in the poets’ poems, using various interrogative methods as an artistic phenomenon.

الكلمات الرئيسية [English]

  • artistic phenomena
  • Resistance literature
  • Palestinian Poetry
  • compositional Methods

کارکرد هنری و معانی اسالیب انشایی در شعر مقاومت فلسطین


امین نظری تریزی[1]*

یوسف نظری**، محمد خاقانی اصفهانی***



اسالیب انشایی یکی از مهم‌ترین ابزارهایی است که شاعران برای بیان درونیات، تجربیات، زیبایی‌های شعر و جنبه‌های هنری آن به کار می‌گیرند؛ اسالیب انشایی، بخش جدایی‌ناپذیر از ساختار شعر پایداری فلسطین است؛ از این روی مسئلۀ پژوهش حاضر این است که چرا شاعران از اسالیب انشایی در اشعارشان بهره بردند؟ ویژگی‌ها و کارکرد فنی این اسالیب کدامند؟ مقالۀ حاضر بر آن است، میزان کاربرد اسالیب انشایی طلبی و انواع آن را در شعر پایداری فلسطین شناسایی کرده و از معانی و کارکردهای هنری و بلاغی آن پرده بردارد. روش پژوهش حاضر توصیفی – تحلیلی و آماری است، یافته‌های پژوهش حاکی از آن است که مخاطب بخش اصلی شعر مقاومت است؛ علت آن را می‌توان به حضور کم بسامد اسلوب تمنی در ساختار شعر مقاومت ربط داد؛ کاربرد منادای غیر مشخص با هدف ترویج پایداری در جهان، بوده است؛ همچنین شاعر با حذف ادات ندا به هنگام فراخواندن وطن به دنبال این است که مسافت عشق و علاقه‌اش را با وطن از دست رفته‌اش کاهش دهد و احساسات خود را به آن نزدیک سازد. شاعر با کاربرد معنای ثانوی فعل‌های امر دشمن را تهدید، و مخاطبان را به ادامه مبارزه تحربک می‌کند؛ حسرت نسبت به کشتار، ویرانی و سرگردانی ملت فلسطین از پربسامدترین معانی نمود یافته در اشعار است که شاعران با بکارگیری پی در پی و پشت سر هم اسالیب استفهام از این موضوع به خوبی پرده برداشته‌اند.  

کلیدواژه­ها: ادبیات مقاومت، شعر فلسطین، اسالیب انشایی، پدیده‌های هنری.  


* استادیار بخش زبان و ادبیات عربی، دانشگاه شیراز، ایران (نویسنده مسئول)، aminnazari1369@yahoo.com

** دانشیار بخش زبان و ادبیات عربی، دانشگاه شیراز، ایران،  Nazri.yusuf@shirazu.ac.ir

*** استاد گروه زبان و ادبیات عربی، دانشگاه اصفهان، ایران، khaqani@fgn.ui.ac.ir 



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