Arabic Language Influence in and Erstanding Islamic Jurisprudence

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Department of Arabic Language and Literature Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz

2 Arabic Language and Literature Studend in Bualisina University Hamadan


Arabic language is in strong relation with jurisprudence in irans university because the lag number of its refrence written by Arabic. there many tasks that is in relation with and erstanding this language important tasks are: necessity of attention to the sentence structure in the jurisprudence text and its task for example :relation within two important part of the structure (relation within verb and object) and relation within not necessity part in structure cfor example: (relation within verb and adverb) or pronun and its role in construction of the jurisprudence and delation and its kind in structure and structures volume and things that influence in structurs volume and influence of this volume in creating jurisprudence texts and…. Response to these questions will be entailed by beducation Arabic language to Islamic jurisprudence students. sentence and word structure in Arabic language is important in construction of the jurisprudence texts .this importance is great for thos don’t speek Arabic .because the law refrence in Islamic countries, arab or others, return to jurisprudence texts that are availiblehnhslamic jurisprudence .


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