Guide for Authors

Guide to writing articles

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Author commitment form

Form of conflict of interest of authors

Article evaluation process

The author undertakes to include in the text of the article and the letter of commitment if he has a financial or spiritual sponsor.

Authors tasks

1-Presentation of scientific articles that fit according the criteria of articles

The authors have to prepare the articles in a scientific, consistent manner that matches the specifications of the refereed articles, and the method of writing the article should be done accurately and objectively, and the data should be indicated correctly, by means of complete referral, and taking into account the rights of others in the article. And avoid showing sensitive and immoral topics, taste and personal, ethnic , sectarian, false and incorrect information, and translating literary works of others without mentioning the source of the quote in the article.

2- Displaying private data when needed

The author is intended to present and define the private data, interviews or questionnaires and the rest of the means used in the research when they are necessary. And obtaining this information in general (conformance to the ALPSP-STM declaration) helps to improve the level of articles.

3- The quality of the presented article

The presented articles by the authors must be the result of the effort of the author who presented the article, and any quotation or benefit from others peoples research must mention the name of the reference in his article.

4-Not publishing the article or article that was accepted and published at the same time

It is against the rules to display one article in several journals at the same time, or articles that have been published or accepted in other journals.

5- Mention all the references appropriately

Referral includes mentioning all books, publications, websites and other researches of persons in the bibliography.

Mentioning the responsible person and his assistants in writing the article, and being careful not to mention unrelated names, and the responsible person for the article is the one who plays a major role in preparing and planning the article, and the rest of the authors are also mentioned as assistants in writing the article, and they must have The original author of the article and the names and information of all the authors, and that shoudnt be others except for the authors of the article. The authors must also read the article as a whole and agree to present and publish it in this way.


Notice of potential dangers to humans and other living creatures

Any risks that the research poses to humans or other creatures must be clearly stated in the article.

Mention the financial supporter

The authors should also mention all the supporters of their articles.

Announcement of basic errors in articles

If the author becomes aware of any error or inaccuracy in his article at any time, he must inform the journal and take the initiative to correct the errors, or retrieve the article.