The Governance of Imam Ali (AS) from Contemporary Sunni Scholars’ Perspective (Case Study: Taha Hussein)

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of History, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Modern political and theological changes have made new opportunities for Shiite and Sunni scholars. One of the outcomes is downgrading prejudices that made possible a clearer and more realistic look at the events of early history of Islam, especially the governance of Imam Ali (AS). For example, Shiite reading of the events that was marginal for centuries got the attention of Sunni intellectuals. Taha Hussein was one of the thinkers that, influenced by the situation, began rereading the events of Imam Ali’s era. This makes exploring his viewpoints and analyses significant. The study, then, focused on understanding Taha Hussein’s descriptions and analyses of the characteristics of Imam Ali’s governance. In addition to applying a descriptive method for exploring his standpoint, an analytical approach to the text of The Great Upheaval (الفتنةالکبری) was adopted using the indices of Laclau and Mouffe’s discourse analysis theory. Taha Hussein claims that his narration and analysis is scientific but his method is a mixture of historical research and supernatural and religious looks. Religion and, in a lower level, Beia are the most important criteria determining his thought. He narrates and analyzes events based on the two criteria. Such issues as hereafter, truth, Muslim's interests, unity and avoiding division among Muslims, and justice are other themes related to the two criteria that strengthen them. The scholar sees Imam Ali as the best symbol and criteria for the truth of religion and related issues. All over the text one can see that the writer uses words and concepts related to the themes when talking about the personality of Imam Ali. On the contrary, he uses world-related words and concepts when it comes to talk about the opponents of Imam Ali. The author approved the political and religious merits of Imam Ali using religious and historical analyses at the same time. He emphasized that Imam Ali, in spite of declaring his right for caliphate, pledged allegiance to previous caliphs for the sake of the unity and interests of Muslims. Imam Ali preferred the right to the worldly greed throughout his life. But his opponents in three groups of the companions of Camel, Muawiya, and Khawarij as a result of mammonistic behavior, caused Fitna and division in the Islamic world. Taha Hussein, however, cannot make himself free of believing in the justice of Companions of the Prophet of Islam and appoint the position of some of outstanding personalities such as Zubayr and Aisha to the others. Moreover, the author cannot explain or is not interested in explicating such cases as the actions of Iraqis and Levantines. So, the people and groups remain in the space between the self and the other. It can be concluded that Taha Hussein, through strong arguments, rejected the positive relationship between Imam Ali’s politics in his caliphates and failures, but states that the failure is the result of historical conditions beginning in conquest era and ending in putting him aside of political scene in caliphates’ era.
The present study showed that Taha Hussein’s standpoint and analyses have roots in his belief instead of being based on scientific methods. In his analyses, one can see the influence of Shiite reading of the events. He believes that all Imam Ali’s behaviors and actions in different aspects of governance are in full compliance with religion and commitment principles. He also connects the actions of Imam Ali’s enemies to mammonistic behavior and breaking allegiance


حکمرانی حضرت علی(ع) از منظر معاصران اهل سنت (نمونه موردی: نگاه طه حسین)

مریم عزیزیان[1]


به دنبال دگرگونی­های مختلف سیاسی و فکری در دوره معاصر، فرصت­های تازه­ای پیش روی متفکران شیعه و سنی قرار گرفت. از جمله آن ­که از آتش تعصّب کاسته شد و به فهم روشن­تر و نگاه واقع­بینانه­تری به وقایع صدر اسلام و به خصوص خلافت امیرالمؤمنین علی (ع) یاری رساند. به عنوان نمونه خوانش شیعی که پیش­تر در حاشیه مباحث بود مورد توجّه اندیشمندان اهل سنت قرار گرفت. طه حسین یکی از این اندیشمندان بود که متاثّر از فضای یاد شده به بازخوانی وقایع دوران حکومت امام علی (ع) پرداخت. به همین دلیل، پژوهش در دیدگاه و تحلیل این اندیشمند مهم جلوه می­کند. از این رو شناخت و فهم چگونگی توصیف و تحلیل طه حسین از ویژگی­های خلافت امام علی (ع)، مسئله مقاله حاضر است. علاوه بر روش توصیفی، رویکرد تحلیلیِ متن الفتنة الکبری مبتنی بر بهره­گیری از شاخص­های نظریه گفتمان لاکلا و موفه است. نتیجه نشان می‌دهد دیدگاه و تحلیل­های طه حسین بیش از آن ­که بر پایه روش علمی باشد، از بُعد عقیده انجام شده است. در این تحلیل­ها تأثیر خوانش شیعی از حوادث مشهود است. وی تمام اعمال و رفتار امام (ع) را در ابعاد مختلف حکومت کاملا منطبق با مقوله دین و پایمردی همیشگی به ضوابط بیعت، روایت و ارزیابی می­کند و در مقابل، دشمنان ایشان را با مقوله دنیاطلبی و بیعت­شکنی پیوند می­زند. 

واژه­های کلیدی: امام علی (ع)، خلافت، طه حسین.

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