Olia Ansari's stories from Islamism to femininity and patriotism

Document Type : Research Paper


- Associate professor of Tarbiat Modares university


The presence of women from the past has brought innovation in the arts and art of the East and West Because thay have consistently supported the literature and its transformation among nations over the course of various periods. The type of activity of women in variety of artistic and literary arts has been diversified in accordance with the arts Which itself is the subject of discussion to answer questions related to this field. Today, women's literature has attracted many writers and thinkers And the trend of literary and scientific production is remarkable in this regard, Most writings are synchronized with the flow of realism and experience some kind of influence. In the field of fiction and novel writing, women have embraced the dual experience of writing or reigning the novel and thay Talk about themselves and their problems and their issues in each situation. This article describes the analysis of the novels of Alia Ansari, a committed Iraqi author in the framework of Islamic critique and women's critique To study the link between literature and ideology on the one hand, and the link with homeland and gender on the other. By examining the novels of the Tranimah al-Hawb, aina om mosa, Al-Wasam, and he cames late, all of which emphasize the emotional conflict between men and women. Ansari with the saga takes women to escape from domination, To rid them of the fear that prevailed over them before, To be self-confident as a Muslim woman, to play a positive role in the construction of the homeland.


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