The poetic camera in Adnan AL-Sayegh' s committed poems

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Gulf of Persia University, Bushehr

2 Assistant Professor, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr


There are many literary genres in poetry, especially cinema (art VII) that produced a huge stir in the pillars of the poet and rebuilt it in structure, is proportionate to its exact techniques where the poet of our time writes poetry in the film field to transfer the poetic text space from inertia to the visual image, These animated styles have resulted in tremendous shake-ups in content Modernist poem. So the  committed poem  open the window on the techniques Such as the camera that explores the narratives of the film narrative with its movements and angles, For its closeness and similarity to the vision and imagination of the poet, who uses her techniques for the poem Modernism to allow the recipient to read the poem with an insight and a window and raise the level of reader  to viewer. Some contemporary poets have turned their attention Recent to this modern method is among these poets poet Adnan Al-Sayegh. He inspired in a section of his poetry committed a wide space of art The seventh is filled with camera techniques. This study is an attempt to illuminate the narrative. Especially the writing of the camera and its techniques in the poems of Adnan al-Sayegh Committed poem, according to the analytical-descriptive approach and the result of these The study is based on the poet's investment of the visual and moving image in the committed texts.The basic question that we want to look for is how camera techniques have been demonstrated Poetic in the Alssayigh's committed poet?The main objective of this studyThe location of the camera with its movements, the horizontal and vertical types of angles associated with the poetic texts stand out, a special feeling in the spectator as a sense of movement and superstition and confusion.The camera and its microprocessor technology will drive the reader out of the picture, The lyrical rigidity towards motion and different sighting sites that include, Low, high and neutral angles.


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