Features of hope in the Poetry discourse of Bushra Al Bustani

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Arabic Language and Literature University of Tehran

2 Ph.D. Student, Arabic Language and Literature University of Tehran


Bushra al-Bustani is a voice of hope that does not fade away .The hope of a prosperous future is its weapon, which is resisting the occupation, calling for resistance and resisting aggression. According to al-Bustani the hope of the future that achieves the presence and opens the doors of salvation from tribulations and tribulations. It makes contemporary man, who is suffering from the ravages of war and destruction, to be able to seek and resist in the light of the glorious choices he suffersfrom. The focus here is on the study of this intellectual strategy in Bushra Al Bustani's speech. The focus is on selecting appropriate evidence, examining it, studying its implications, and clarifying the specific manifestations of an integrated critique to explore the intellectual and artistic vision of this discourse. In order to achieve this perspective, we have relied on a study of Andalusian poems, which are among the most famous poems of the Bustani, and we have chosen some of the poetry models to present the recipients with a picture of the hope and optimism of the garden to call upon the people to resist in light of the calamities, the reversals and the fall of the values.


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