Intertextuality (Al-Tanass) in the poetry of religious Abdol-mo’ti Al- Hijazi

Document Type : Research Paper




The phenomenon of intertextuality is the important phenomena critique at contemporary critics. It is a common relationship between two texts or number of texts in an evoking manner. Contemporary critics consider this phenomenon of different aspects such as sources, forms and species. Religion and religious heritage of the most important sources that inspired poets and writers since ancient and contemporary poet inspires from the heritage's religious in his poetry more than before. Religious intertextuality constitutes an important part of the forms of intertextuality in the poetry of contemporary Egyptian, Abdol-mo’ti Al- Hijazi. This led us to study this phenomenon in his poems. So we examined the historical roots of the phenomenon of intertextuality in critic’s opinion first, and then studied inspirations’ poet of his religious heritage in analytical and descriptive approach. Study of his poetry in this sense shows clearly that the poet influenced by the religious heritage and particularly the Holy Quran has a clear impact. He may employs the Quranic verses completely or part of them as using as the prophet’s names and their stories and Quranic events and Characters. Poet employs some of the events and contents in the Holy Books heavenly and some religious figures in the Bible.


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