Basmalah verse; Its premise and meaning Insights into the pragmatic functional meaning of the verse from the perspective of syntactic communication networks

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran


The Basmala verse is the greatest verse in the Holy Qur’an due to its dangerous semantic position and the structural overtones it has in terms of significance, concept, grammatical formation, and the syntactic coherence that appears in it. The expressions in it are consistent in a solid communicative consistency in terms of omissions, additions, and patterns of mechanical antithesis, which completely fulfills the conceptual intent. And it contains grammatical clings and initial semantic conclusions that do not correspond to the high-end conceptual images that the verse stores, just as it is unable to draw the expressive reality that the programmed compositional components of the text desire. This study - and according to the descriptive analytical approach, will try to establish a new semantic grammatical vision in the verse of the Basmala, which will contradict the usual syntactic pattern that was followed by grammarians and Arabists in general, without looking at the intellectual and epistemological data and the pluralistic discursive identities that this used pattern hardly suggests. So, we try to reach the original evaluative pillars in the syntax and translation of the verse, which are more appropriate and consistent with the requirements of the modernist text. The results show that the verse has an exemplary, integrated grammatical drawing that generally contradicts the mental assumptions that we have already familiarized ourselves with in explaining the grammatical indications for it. New mental, conceptual and translational bids that are compatible with the intended formative structure of the text.
Syntax is the movement and the foundational norm based on flexibility and the fight against statutory stagnation in defining the semantic functions whose burdens are carried by the drawn grammatical system, if we want to build a formative text that carries a set of cultural stocks that it is hoped to consolidate in the mind of the recipient through the literal message that we choose to communicate the socialist idea to addressee. If grammar fails to list these latent facts, then it should hardly be relied upon as a constructive transformational mechanism for creating various concepts that are renewed with the renewal of grammatical patterns. The storyteller, the narrator, the writer, and the speaker must choose the ideal casting to accomplish this semantic task, and seek for it the most important grammatical correction tools in his possession so that his creativity is characterized by novelty, sobriety, and suggestive productivity, so that the transmitter can add a conscious cultural stock to the grammatical mentality of the addressee, in addition to the intellectual inheritances. Which his mind deals with at its first interpretive initiatives. Rather, he must know that “the mere focus on the language being a mere mental activity leads to the failure of the generative grammar to find an explanation for the functions of the language, or if he confines the functions of grammar to being a mechanical process whose elements are realized automatically when following the transformational rules. The psychological aspect and social conditions, as well as non-linguistic factors, in order to obtain a higher goal, which is the meaning.
The maximum of the mechanistic grammatical attempts is to conclude the pragmatic and argumentative productions that feed the conceptual thresholds of the text in a distinctive way, and the ultimate goal of them is the informational monitoring of the grammatical communication networks in order to obtain a proven exegetical pattern that is required by the correct inferential bodies to fertilize the syntax. In the circle of dry inflectional concepts that we are familiar with in our grammatical heritage, such as the nominative, the predicate, the affirmative, the negative, and other types of structures. It does not form acceptable sentences, neither at the level of the usual grammatical system, nor at the level of the learned significance. And the pragmatics that we are about to monitor its features in intensifying the semantic role of grammar is itself “concerned with the use of linguistic units in a specific actual context, that is, a context concerned with verbal facts, and it deserves to be called the science of linguistic usage, and it is divided into linguistic, social and applied therapeutics.”
Accordingly, the inquisitive study of the most important verse of the Holy Qur’an, whose aroma resounds at the beginning of every blessed chapter of it, requires that the study be aware of all these juxtaposed deliberative aspects in which syntax and semantics meet in order to reach a higher purpose than the steady grammatical interpretations, which Its performance is limited to the framework of simplified, intuitive strategies, and only the possibilities of monotonous grammatical grammar come to it without relying on the inevitable formative side of the pragmatic-developmental grammar. Accordingly, we must rely on grammar as a microscope that magnifies the small and small of the meaning so that the expressive patterns are a fabric that reveals the meaning hidden beneath it, by building an original plan in monitoring emerging concepts within the verse grammatically, which necessarily requires that we sort out the initial grammatical suggestions that revolve around it. Look at the verse from the perspective of the semantic data for syntax and pronunciation.
The results of the present study are summarized in the following themes:
- The syntax and coordinating grammatical systems that were used in the verse of the Basmala play an important functional/pragmatic role in establishing the moral infrastructure required by the components of the text, and the neglect of the correct syntactical patterns in the systems of the verse leads to the occurrence of strict conceptual errors in conveying its contents and representing its meaning directly.
- The grammatical mechanisms alone (normally, transformatively, and functionally) are not sufficient to explain what distinguishes the verse from the innovations of evidence and meaning, just as the grammatical mentality alone is incapable of fulfilling the main purposes that the verse of the Basmalah is full of from the perspective of the claim of divinity and mercy that the Basmalah calls for, if it is not Coupled with the deliberative-expressive approach whose function is to reveal the facts of the communicative and cognitive language, the grammatical organizational structure of the basmalah guides directly to the moral structure that is intended to be communicated to the addressee, and the grammatical pattern that is prepared for it in complete agreement with the intended meanings.
- The translation that follows from the verse in view of the functional-transformative roles that characterize it must be reconsidered in terms of the impossibility of translating the divine flags that characterize the One of the Creator, and during the translation of the verse and the development of conceptual monitoring networks in it, all that is relevant must be taken into account. Contribute to the enrichment of its etymological connotations and leave a direct impact on crystallizing the new mentalities that the verse abounds with.


Main Subjects

آیه بسم الله؛ ساختارها ومعانی

نگرشی در کارکردهای ساختارگرایانه معانی آیه، از منظر مکانیزمهای ارتباط دستوری

مالك عبدی[*]



آیه بسم الله به سبب جایگاه معنایی خطیر ودلالتهای ساختارگرایانه شگرفی که در خود دارد گرانسنگ‌ترین آیة قرآن به شمار می‌رود، به طوری که مشتمل بر معنی ومفهومی عمیق، وشبکة به­هم­پیوستة معنایی وقاعده‌مندی است که این آیه را از دیگر آیات قرآن کریم متمایز می‌سازد. واژگان آیه به لحاظ منطقِ چیدمانی وطبقه‌بندیِ سیستماتیک به نحوی کاملا همگون وهدفمند سامان یافته‌اند، ونیز ساز و کارهای نحویِ به کار رفته در بافت آیه به گونه ايست که در نگاه نخستْ برداشتی اشتباه وناهمگون از شرایط إعرابی آیه به دست می‌دهد که با واقعیتهای ساختاری وترجمه‌ای آن همخوانی چندانی ندارد. به همین منظور وبا تکیه بر روش توصیفی_تحلیلی در پی آنیم که با ارائة رویکردی جدید در خوانش منطق تأویلیِ صحیح آیه، ساز و کاری را برای تحلیل نحوی و مفهومی آن ارائه دهیم که با گزارشات سنتی نحویان قدیم در باب کارکردهای نحوی آیه عموما در تضاد بوده و از منظری جدید به بررسی معنی و سیاق تأویلی آن می‌پردازد. نتایج تحقیق نشان می‌دهد که آیة شریفه دارای یک نظام سیستماتیک نحوی وپیشروانه است که با توجه به منطق دستوری متمایز خود کاملا با مفروضات ذهنیِ گذشتگان در باب إعراب آیه ناهمگونی دارد. در همین راستا برای رسیدن به هستة اولیة معنایی آیه و پی بردن به منطق دستوری صحیح آن باید از گزارشهای سطحی نحویان در قراءتهاي اولیه از ظواهر آیه دست کشیده و با ارائه رویکردي ساختارگرا و جدید  به سیستمهای ابتکاری به کار رفته در آیه بسم الله دست یازید.

واژگان کليدي: آیة بسم الله، تراکیب نحوی، معنای ساختاری، کارکردهای واژگانی، ترجمه.


* دانشیار گروه زبان و ادبیات عرب، دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی، دانشگاه ایلام، ایلام، ایران.



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