A Surveying to the Shiite Mutilated Poems in the Alghadir Book and AlamehAmini’s Criticisms

Document Type : Research Paper


 Assistant Department of Arabic Language and Literature Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz


In the Islamic civilization and our era, a lot of literary critics became famous, but we hardly ever remember the writer of Alghadir, Alameh Abdulhussein Amini, as a great literary critic. In fact he is skillful in his work and use exact meaning in his literature works. Yet the writers have forgotten him as a literary critic or theyhave indicated that they forget him. In this essay, I would like to discover his critic and literature personality in brief as well as his thoughts about Shiite literature and I focus my work on Shiite poems. Alameh Amini has a high verve in the Shiite literature and by this verve, he had viewpoints in the literature. Without his knowledge about literature he couldn’t do great works specially in the committed literature. The method of this essay is descriptive–analytical.


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