The Relations of two Civilizations: Islamic and Western On the Basis of Investigating of Relations of Harun-o-Rashid and Sharlman

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies

2 Ph.D. Student in General Linguistics, Baku University


The relations of Abbasid state and Bizans Empire were more hostile in Rashid era. On the other hand, the good understanding of Abbasid and Westerns was one of the most important reasons of this hostility because they were very frightened of their cooperation and this factor continued until Mamun era. Great Sharlman succeeded his father, Pepin, and in this era, his relation with Ghostantaniyyeh was not good and this relation was not suitable in his fathers era, too. The Pope wanted to use Shalmans power so he became interested in crowning. He anointed him with holy oil and in the late of 8th century, he put crown on his head. Sharlman had to keep his diplomatic relations with Baghdad because Omayyad state in Andolosia was the common enemy of him and Baghdad. So Sharlman concluded an agreement with Harun-o-Rashid for the sake of political benefits. These factors caused political relations between Harun-o-Rashid and Great Sharlman.


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