Psychological Critique of Ibn al-Fariz's Poems with Seligman's Positive Psychological Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor at the Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies.Tehran. Iran

2 Assistant Professor at the Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies.Tehran. Iran.

3 M.A of Arabic Language and Literature in Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies. Tehran. Iran


Over time and progress in science and technology have led to the growth and increase of concerns and consequently the anxiety and worries of contemporary man. Despite the increasing problems of human beings, today the importance of mental and intellectual health has been considered more than ever.For the last half century psychology has been consumed with a single topic only-mental illness-and has done fairly well with it. But this progress has come at a high cost. Relieving the states that make life miserable, it seems, has made building the states that make life worth living less of a priority. But people want more than just to correct their weaknesses. They want lives imbued with meaning, and not just to fidget until they die. New research into happiness, though, demonstrates that it can be lastingly increased. And a new movement, Positive Psychology, shows how you can come to live in the upper reaches of your set range of happiness. The positive emotions of confidence, hope, and trust, for example, serve us best not when life is easy, but when life is difficult.Positive thinking and its effect on human well-being is one of the most important goals of psychology. Positive psychology as a nascent science based on understanding positive emotions, Human virtues and abilities are in the effort to achieve a better life through self-fulfillment and self-realizati. Positive emotion can be about the past, the present, or the future. The positive emotions about the future include optimism, hope, faith, and trust. Those about the present include joy, ecstasy, calm, zest, ebullience, pleasure, and (most importantly) flow. From the beginning of creation, man has always been concerned with finding a life full of meaning and happiness.  Therefore, the attention of thinkers, philosophers and experts in each nation has long been focused on the concepts that were the basis of human happiness. By thinking in literary texts, especially mystical texts, it can be seen that many writers and mystics in their works provide guidelines for human growth and happiness in various aspects of life. The positive emotions about the past include satisfaction, contentment, fulfillment, pride, and serenity. Given that the source of literary genres is human emotions and thoughts,Today, psychological analysis of literary works has a special place in literary criticism. Mystical texts, which are full of moral teachings, have a lot of potential for such analysis. Given the cultural context of positive psychology, re-reading the works of writers and mystics with the new approach As well as using their instructions is an effective step towards the growth of both sciences, human life and mental health. Ibn Fariz is an Arab mystic and poet whose poems can be found in the presence of positive psychological components. In this study we used a descriptive-analytical method to examine the presence of positive emotions - one of the fields of positive psychology - in Ibn Fariz's poems. The purpose of this study was to evaluate Ibn Fariz's positive thinking approach Also, knowing his mystical and moral guidelines is for the positivity and self-fulfillment of human beings.The results of the research have been prepared in order to answer these two questions:
-           According to Seligman's theory, how is Ibn Fariz's approach evaluated according to the reflection of past, present and future emotions in his poems?
-           Which of the positive emotions of the past, present and future is more frequent in Ibn Fariz's Divan and what does it indicate?
The results of the research show that Ibn Fariz has a positive approach to life, The presence of positive emotions related to the past, present and future, His poems show his positivity, mental health and self-fulfillment, provide positive teachings to people.The experience of positive emotions has given Ibn Fariz more resilience in the face of life's difficulties, and the poet's attention to positive emotions in relation to the future indicates his positive personality.Also, the presence of positive emotions towards the future, which includes optimism, trust, belief, faith and hope, has a higher frequency compared to positive emotions than the past (satisfaction) and the present (pleasure).


نقد روانشناختی اشعار ابن فارض بر اساس رویکرد روان­شناسی مثبت­گرای مارتین سلیگمن

صابره سیاوشی[1]

معصومه نعمتی قزوینی[2]

زینب مهدوی پیله رود[3]


مثبت­اندیشی و تأثیر آن در بهبود زندگی انسان از مهم­ترین اهداف علم روان­شناسی است. روانشناسی مثبت­گرا (Positive Psychological) به عنوان علمی نوپا با تکیه بر درک هیجانات مثبت، فضیلت­ها و توانمندی­های انسان در تلاش برای تحقق زندگی بهتر از طریق خودشکوفایی و تحقق خویشتن آدمی است. با توجه به اینکه آثار ادبی از احساس و افکار انسان سرچشمه می‌گیرد، امروزه تحلیل روان­شناختی آثار ادبی از جایگاه ویژه­ای در نقد ادبی برخوردار است. نظر به زمینۀ فرهنگی روانشناسی مثبت، بازخوانی آثار ادبی با این رویکرد جدید، ضمن تبیین زوایای ناشناخته­ای از این متون، می‌تواند زمینۀ کاربرد عملی و استفاده هرچه بیشتر از آموزه‌های اخلاقی آن در زندگی را فراهم می‌کند. متون عرفانی نیز که سرشار از آموزه­های اخلاقی است، قابلیت فراوانی جهت این گونه تحلیل را دارا می­باشد. ابن فارض، عارف و شاعر مصری قرن هفتم هجری است که آموزه‌های اخلاقی و ابعاد روان‌شناختی به نحوی چشمگیر در اشعارش نمود یافته است. پژوهش حاضر با روش توصیفی- تحلیلی به بررسی حضور هیجانات مثبت- یکی از حوزه­های روانشناسی مثبت- در اشعار ابن فارض می­پردازد. هدف این پژوهش ارزیابی رویکرد مثبت­اندیشی ابن­فارض وهمچنین شناخت رهنمود­های عارفانه و اخلاقی او در جهت مثبت­نگری و خودشکوفایی انسان است. نتایج پژوهش نشان­ می­دهد که ابن فارض دارای رویکرد مثبت به زندگی بوده و برقراری تعادل در میزان هیجانات مثبت مربوط به گذشته، حال و آینده در اشعار وی نشان از مثبت­نگری، سلامت روانی و رسیدن او به خودشکوفایی است که در ضمن آن آموزه­های مثبت­نگر قابل تأملی را به مخاطب ارائه می­دهد.

 کلیدواژه­ها: هیجان­ مثبت، مثبت­­اندیشی، روان­شناسی مثبت­نگر، مارتین سلیگمن، ابن فارض.


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