An Analysis of the Characteristics of Seyyed Morteza Askari’s Method in Proving the Non-Distortion of the Quran

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Guilan, Iran


One of the solid and sound Islamic principles is the Holy Quran and the main focus of the present study is on one of the most important issues and challenges related to the validity and authenticity of the Holy Quran. Distortion of the Holy Quran is one of the suspicions raised by opponents and skeptics from inside and outside the Islamic Ummah, relying on some historical reports or narrations attributed to the Ahl al-Bayt (PBUH) and the words of the companions and followers of the Holy Prophet of Islam. Therefore, achieving a complete and accurate process and method for responding to related doubts and proving that the Holy Quran has not been distorted is one of the issues that deserves and demands research. Muslim scholars, especially Imami scholars throughout history, by writing valuable works, have provided numerous answers and analyses in this regard. Allameh Seyyed Morteza Askari is one of the contemporary thinkers whose scientific works have been welcomed by scholars and free-thinking Shiite and Sunni youths, due to their mastery of earlier historical sources and the strength of analysis of the evolution of events and the high quality of the presented arguments.
The purpose of the present study is to analyze the content of the book “The Holy Quran and the Traditions of the Teachers” (three volumes), in order to extract the methodological features of Allama Seyyed Morteza Askari in proving the non-distortion of the Holy Quran and to suggest their use in answering other related doubts. Therefore, the basic materials and data of the present study were collected through a library research and, using a descriptive-analytical method, while organizing the content of the research issue, an explanation was attempted.
Aside from the general characteristics of Allameh Askari’s research method in responding to doubts, including “identifying the main doubts”, “using relevant sources along with the main sources under discussion” and “examining the evolution of narrations to express the weakness of the document and text”, the three factors of “proper use of the theory of expressive revelation”, “evolution of the meaning of Islamic terms” and “study of socio-historical conditions at the time of events” can be cited as his innovations in response to this doubt. There are several points that distinguish Allameh’s method from the works of other scholars: 1) By recognizing co-occurring suspicions and avoiding dealing with marginal, repetitive, or overlapping suspicions, he did not become passive in the adversary’s process of engaging in attention to multiple suspicions; 2) He gathered the strongest reasons for suspicion (from various sources) so that the answer would be comprehensive and restrictive; 3) He increased the scope and depth of his analysis by considering the principle of changing perceptions of issues over the course of history and appending the historical ecosystem of events.
Based on the research findings, Allameh Askari’s refusal to resort to the common methods in criticizing doubts and his attempt to provide a complete answer to the doubts regarding the distortion of the Quran have improved the characteristics of his method in responding to related doubts and have made it a model for other authors and researchers. The results of the present study can be summarized in the following points: 1) The differences between this method and other related works can lead the mind of any respondent to doubts to the idea that in the face of doubts there should be no useless and passive focus, which reduces the feeling of having multiple doubts and the difficulty of answering them all. Recognizing the different types of suspicions and forming a coherent list or tree for them to respond thoroughly and with priority is a great achievement. 2) The ability of the respondent to suspicion is not simply in responding to the reason for the suspicion; he should also try to enumerate the stronger reasons given by other critics and skeptics and, through answering them, provide a comprehensive and obstructive answer with scientific mastery and the richness of his logical and systematic reasons. 3) In understanding the text, one should pay attention to the hypertext view and reflect on all the factors that have caused the emergence and spread of the text, to study and understand the subject. The natural process of change in the historical ecosystem causes the evolution of narrations, names, terms, etc., and if a person bases his analysis of doubts on a modern perception of time and undue prejudice against contemporary attitudes, he will fail to provide an accurate and complete answer. 4) The narrations of the Ahl al-Bayt (PBUH) are among the most prominent sources in proving the non-distortion of the Quran, and extracting theories such as “expressive revelation” from the guidelines of the Ahl al-Bayt (PBUH) will greatly enhance the scientific power of responding to doubts.


شاخصه­های روش سید مرتضی عسکری(ره) در اثبات عدم تحریف قرآن

مهیار خانی مقدم[1]


هدف پژوهش، تحلیل محتوای کتاب «القرآن الکریم و روایات المدرستین»(سه جلد) با روش توصیفی- تحلیلی، به منظور استخراج شاخصه­های روشی علامه عسکری پیرامون اثبات عدم تحریف قرآن کریم و پیشنهاد آنها، جهت استفاده در پاسخگویی به سایر شبهات هم راستا بود. بر اساس یافته­های پژوهش، فارغ از شاخصه­های عمومی روش پژوهش علامه عسکری در پاسخ به شبهات، شامل بر «تشخیص شبهات اصلی»، «استفاده از منابع مرتبط در کنار منابع اصلی مورد بحث» و «بررسی تطور روایات جهت بیان ضعف سند و متن»، می­توان از سه عامل «استفاده شایسته از نظریه وحی بیانی»، «تطور معنای اصطلاحات اسلامی» و «بررسی شرایط اجتماعی- تاریخی زمان بروز اتفاقات»، به عنوان نوآوری­های ایشان در پاسخ به شبهه مذکور یاد کرد. ارکان تمایز روش علامه نسبت به آثار سایر علما، چند نکته است: 1. با شناختن شبهات هم­راستا و پرهیز از پرداختن به شبهات حاشیه­ای، تکراری یا همپوشان، در پروسه معاندان برای اشتغال توجه به شبهات متعدد، منفعل نشد. 2. قوی­ترین دلایل شبهات (ولو از منابع گوناگون) را جمع آوری ­کرد تا پاسخش، جامع و مانع باشد. 3. با عنایت بر اصل تغییر برداشت از مسائل و موضوعات در گذرتاریخ و ضمیمه کردن زیست­بوم تاریخیِ حوادث، گستره و عمق تحلیل خود را افزایش ­بخشید.

کلیدواژه­ها: تحریف، قرآن کریم، القرآن الکریم و روایات المدرستین، علامه عسکری.


[1] . استادیار گروه قرآن و حدیث، دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی دانشگاه گیلان، رشت، ایران


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