Grammatical Issues of Referrals in Al-Sadr’s Mennat Al-Manan: A Case Study of Third Relative Pronoun

Document Type : Research Paper


1  PhD Student of Arabic Language & Literature, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Arabic language & Literature' Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran

3 Professor of Arabic language & Literature' University of Lebanon, Beirut, Lebanon.


The present study aims to highlight grammatical issues including the pronominal reference of the third relative pronoun in Al-Sadr's interpretations which consists of five parts. To this end, Al-Sadr and his method of interpretation were introduced and how he used grammatical opinions as an interpreter of the Holy Qur’an was reviewed. The study required the descriptive-analytical method as to collect some grammatical issues he mentions, including the pronominal reference; discuss and analyze them; return to their origins; stand on their themes and then arrive at the scientific truth without inclination with the whims or fanaticism for a particular opinion or doctrine. Moreover, this process includes analyzing and putting comments on some models without winning for any party, except what is consistent with those required by the intended meaning. In this topic, the researcher tried to show how the grammatical employment is used in “Minnat Al-Mannan” and its impact on directing the meaning.
Al-Sadr based his book (“Minnat Al-Mannan”) on some of these issues and employed them grammatically. He begins his interpretation of the Qur’anic texts by mentioning grammatical issues and concepts and then followed these concepts by mentioning the interpretive issues because he knows that these issues are based on grammatical concepts, so the issue of grammatical employment was important in his thought and all sources of grammatical citation and interpretation, and we have also preferred that The path of this research is based on the holy text of the Quran. Because of the majesty of this text, and the broadness of its interpretations according to Sayid Muhammad al-Sadr, and it is a highlight of his ability in the Qur’anic interpretation, by employing some of the grammatical chapters and their issues in clarifying the Qur’anic connotations.
In this study, the researcher tried to answer the following questions: How was the pronoun grammatically employed in the interpretation and analysis of the Qur’anic text? How was Muhammad al-Sadr’s view of the pronoun within the Qur’anic context? Was Al-Sadr one of the advocates of strictness and adherence to grammatical rules, and what is his approach in dealing with grammatical issues in Minnat Al-Manan?
This study will be different from the previous studies with its focus on the process of description and analysis of the linkage models in this conscience and its diversity and transformation according to Al-Sadr.
The study concluded with a number of results, which can be summarized as follows. Employment of grammatical issues is the reason for the large number of grammatical and explanatory styles Seyyed Sadr used for the absent pronoun, as it gives him the most space for answering the questions that are asked to the readers and forms a number of ideas about the meaning, and he sees that the pronoun comes as a link in many grammatical chapters, and the link in it is more common than linking with repetition. which is the origin of the linkage.
It was found during the research that Al-Sadr tends to give priority to the appropriate meaning and context instead of the grammatical rules as a victory for the meaning, so he is the one who controls the text and not the grammatical rules, but grammatical opinions, relying on his linguistic and fundamentalist these rules cannot be ignored or neglected, also they cannot be sanctified at the expense of the exact meaning of the honorable text. His ability to weigh between the culture in his analyzes of the grammatical pronoun.
The Qur’anic text has an open text, not closed, and everything in it can be said provided there is evidence and proof. It is clear that he tends to benefit from important sciences when analyzing the Qur’anic texts, as he theoretically relies not only on grammatical rules, but on logic, etymology and the basic principles of Minnat –Manan. He was not a caller of strictness and adherence to grammatical rules, and the normative approach does not take an article in its treatment of grammar issues.
The pronoun of the matter is important in clarifying the meaning, and glorifying the noun (the lexical indicative element), and its role was not limited to linking only sentences, but rather the chest relied on it in the interpretation and removing confusion and ambiguity in many contexts of the woodcutter, and this is through searching for the reference of the pronoun and identifying to him, and the extent of the strength of the moral harmony that occurs between them.  We sometimes see that he rejects the idea of ​​textual appreciation and interpretation, while he is not forced to interpret in the honorable text.


کاربرد قضایای نحوی در بررسي ارجاع از نظر سید صدر در کتاب منة المنان

مطالعة موردی ضمیر غایب ربطی

                                                                                         ضياء شيال  بديوي آل أزيرج*

                                                                                        احمدرضا حیدریان شهری**

                                                                                       دكتر مها خیر بک ناصر***


اهمیت پژوهش حاضر در این است که تلاش دارد نظر به دیدگاه سید صدر مسائل دستوری، کاربست ضمیر سوم شخص را در تفسیر سوره‌ها از خلال محورهای پنج‌گانه ارجاع بررسی نماید. هدف این جستار، شناساندن سید صدر  و دیدگاه نحوی‌اش در تفسیر قرآن است. این  پژوهش بر بنیان توصیف و تحلیل  با هدف گردآوری برخی مباحث دستوری مذکور، از جمله ارجاع ضمیر به مرجع و مصدر آن و بحث و بررسی پیرامون این موضوع ، می‌پردازد، این پژوهش برکنار از هر گونه جانبداری شخصی و تنها بر اساس مقتضای معنی صورت گرفته است. دستاورهای پژوهش نشان می‌دهد: کارکردهای مسائل نحوی در کتاب منة المنان، اهداف متفاوتی را در برمی گیرد مانند اینکه توجه به معنا متناسب با ساختار جایگزین قواعد نحوی گردیده و سید صدر توانسته با روش ضمیر سوم شخص، بسیاری از ابهامات در زمینه ساختار متن را برطرف سازد و بدین گونه او ایده مقدر دانستن و تاویل آن را در نحو رد نموده است، همچنین، او نظریات نحوی خود را از مکتب های بصره و کوفه برداشت نموده و دیدگاه خود را بدون جانبداری از مکتبی خاص بیان کرده است.

واژگان کلیدی:به کارگیری ضمیر، سید محمد صدر، قضایای نحوی، منة المنان، متن مقدس.


* دانشجوى دكترى رشته زبان وادبيات عربى, دانشكاه فردوسى،  مشهد، ايران.

** دانشیار  گروه زبان و ادبیات عربی، دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد ، إيران(نویسنده مسئول)

*** استاد گروه زبان و ادبیات عربی، دانشگاه لبنان، بيروت، لبنان.

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