Aesthetic Definition in Surat Al-Malik Al-Mubarak

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Arabic Department, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran,


One of the important issues in the rhetoric subject of the definition, which falls under the issues of semantics, and because of its use of high rhetorical purposes that can be discerned in the Qur’an, that is, tracing the use of the word is a likely knowledge of what it contains of meaning that cannot be expressed in denial. Expression is considered one of the rhetorical methods that are required by the conditions of the addressees and the speaker intends it, and grammarians have spoken about it in purely syntactic terms, and rhetoric scholars spoke about it from another angle and another field where they talked about the purposes and reasons for which the definition is.
Each science has its own terminology that helps to control and codify it, and these terms are not a product of science itself, but rather a manifestation of the semantic development of the word, so the word "term" comes to rise in a new meaning that carries with it previous connotations that it passed through in its long history. The term “definition” has moved from grammar to rhetoric with its wording and connotation. Rhetoric scholars have benefited from these meanings and employed them in a way that serves their study of the rhetorical issues related to them. It is noticed that the term “definition” is more common in rhetoric books than in grammar books because the definition is related to the discursive and rhetoric more. Adhesion to the addressee of grammar.
The issue of definition has received great attention among rhetoricians, as there is hardly a book on rhetoric in the past or recent, and this issue began like other issues of rhetoric that are not codified or disciplined, and they are only fragments here and there, and the ruling on them is due to good character and good taste, as we see when Al-Jarjani in his evidence, and Al-Zamakhshari in his interpretation. After that, I took this matter with discipline and constraint, so it was specific rules and matters of order, and this codification began since al-Sakaki in the Book of Muftah, where the third part of it was devoted to the sciences of rhetoric, then came al-Qazwini and summarized the third part of al-Muftah and refined it in the book of summary, then put an explanation for this The summary is in the book of clarification, and the matter continued for those who followed it between an explanation, a summary and a regulator of this art through the key, its summarization, and the clarification of the summary.
The rhetoricians dealt with this issue within the science of meanings when talking about the conditions of the predicate to it and the musnad, and they began with the predicate to it, dealing with its definition first and then denying it, unlike the grammarians who used to deny it because it is their original and then the definition because it is a branch of denial, and it seems that the rhetoricians started talking about the definition because the original In the Musnad to be knowledge, then they dealt with the Musnad speaking about its denial and its definition.
 In light of the purposes contained in Surat Al-Makkma, we will stand before some of the definition contained in it, to reveal the secrets of its expression, committed to the opinions of scholars. To achieve this goal, we relied on the analytical-descriptive method. That is why we enumerated this phenomenon and clarified its aesthetics throughout the surah, and we mentioned the wonderful meanings of it in some verses, such as glorification, reprimand, brevity, brevity, bashing the addressee and ..


زيباشناسی معارف در سوره ملک

رمضان رضائی[1]

يدالله رفيعی[2]

يکی از مسائل مهم در بلاغت مسئله معارف است که در ذيل مباحث علم معانی قرار دارد. به کارگيری معارف دارای اغراض بلاغی زيادی است که می­توان آنها را در قرآن نيز ملاحظه کرد. در به کار گيری کلمه به صورت معرفه ترجيحی است که در به کار گيری آن به صورت نکره آن ترجيح وجود ندارد. معارف يکی از اسلوب­های بلاغی است که متناسب با مقتضای حال آورده می­شود. نحويان از جنبه اعراب و بلاغيان از جنبه بلاغی از آن بحث نموده و از اغراض و انگيزه­هايی که به سبب آن کلمه معرفه آورده می­شود، صحبت کرده­اند. از آنجا که معارف در سوره ملک نيز دارای اغراضی است، مقاله حاضر اين سوره را مورد بررسی قرار داده و سعی کرده است تا اسرار معارف در آن را تبیین کند. برای رسيدن به اين هدف از روش توصيفی_ تحليلی بهره گرفته شده است. لذا اين پديده بلاغی در اين سوره بررسی شده و معانی زيبای آن در برخی آيات مثل تعظيم، توبيخ، اختصار، ايجاز، تقريع مخاطب و غيره تبيين شده است. نتايج به دست آمده حاکی از آن است که ضمائر به عنوان يکی از معارف گاهی بر تمييز دلالت دارد و اشاره بر قرب حقيقی و گاهی برای توبيخ کفار می­آيد. موصول نيز در سوره برای افاده عظمت و تحقق غرض از آيه به کار رفته است. بقيه معارف نيز اغراض خاص خود را دارند.

کليدواژه­­ها: قرآن کريم، سوره ملک، بلاغت، معارف.  

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[2] - استاديار گروه عربی، پژوهشگاه علوم انسانی و مطالعات فرهنگی، تهران، ايران،

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