The Strategy of Imam Musa Kazim (A.S) for Establishing Islamic Sciences

Document Type : Research Paper


PhD in Shiite History, Department of History, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran,


The era of Imamate, especially the time of Imamate of Sadeghin and Imam Musa Kazim (‌‌A.S.), was of special importance due to the symmetry with the period of intellectual protests and the emergence of various currents in Islamic sciences. This era was sensitive in terms of the emergence and growth of various currents of hadith, jurisprudence, theology and interpretation, and in terms of the conflict of opinions and ideas, a large area emerged in the Islamic world. There were groups that each tried to consolidate their views and ideas. This shows the active educational atmosphere that the program of the Infallible Imams demanded in order to present the truth of Islamic sciences. On the other hand, the establishment of Islamic sciences was a way to counter the heresy and deviation that occurred during the caliphate before Imam Ali (‌‌A.S.) to the point that a tradition was established as the tradition of Sheikhs against the tradition of the Prophet (‌‌PBUH).
Islamic sciences are sciences that the subject and issues of those sciences are the principles or sub-principles of Islam or things on the basis of which the principles and sub-principles of Islam are proved. Ie the Qur'an and Sunnah; Such as the science of recitation, the science of interpretation, the science of hadith, the science of theology and the science of jurisprudence. These sciences are the basic needs of the Islamic society for excellence. The sciences that can be the cause of life and growth of the Islamic society and show the dimensions of the personality of a Muslim. The most important branches of these sciences can be presented in the fields of Quran, Hadith and Jurisprudence. The foundation of Islamic sciences, due to its role in preserving and presenting true Islam, has been defined since the time of the Messenger of God (‌‌PBUH) in her educational life. Infallible Imams as the successors of the Messenger of God (‌‌PBUH) made the teaching of these sciences a priority of their education and Imam Kazim (‌‌A.S.), like the Imams before and after him, took care to establish and teach these sciences. Research on this subject can show the prominent position of Imam Khomeini in introducing and reviving the original Islam, despite all the pressures imposed by the government on her. The present study is based on the method of historical analysis, in order to answer what and why of the strategy of Imam Musa Kazim (‌‌A.S.) in establishing Islamic sciences.
After his noble father, Imam Kazim (‌‌A.S.) became the president of Sadeghin University. In order to revive and present the true Islam, as well as to respond to and confront the intellectual protests, as well as the emergence of various currents in Islamic sciences and innovations and deviations that have occurred in Islam, the foundation of Islamic sciences in its educational priority. The sciences on the basis of which the principles and sub-principles of Islam are proved. In order to present these sciences, even in a situation full of pressure and suffocation imposed by the government, it was necessary to adopt effective strategies. According to the circumstances in which she was, the Imam arranged the teaching of these sciences through both face-to-face meetings and correspondence. Correspondence that could meet the needs of students' education even when they were imprisoned, and the recording of numerous correspondences in this regard, shows the strategic nature of this educational method. On the other hand, Imam Khomeini, like his fathers, chose the training of specialized students in various branches of Islamic sciences as another strategy in this field. A strategy that, while maintaining the educational chain in Islamic sciences, created the transmission of these sciences to the next generations of Shiites through narration and compilation of works, and thus played an important role in establishing Islamic sciences. In fact, the Shiite Imams believed in the fact that mere mobilization of the people and a temporary victory over the enemy and even taking over the government is not enough, and the Islamic reform program will not be realized unless the government is supported by informed and committed bases. It was on this basis that in order to preserve the school and the survival of the right thinking of the Ahl al-Bayt, they took another way, and that was to open the door of knowledge and knowledge to the enthusiasts and to teach the disciples. In fact, his method along with providing general and public education to the people, was the method of individualization and private education, and it was by such people that the jurisprudence and hadith of the Ahl al-Bayt gradually spread to different places.


راهبرد امام موسی کاظم(ع) در پی ریزی علوم اسلامی

وجیهه میری[1]


دوران امامت امام موسی کاظم (ع)، به دلیل تقارن با دوران احتجاجات اعتقادی فکری و ظهور جریانهای متعدد در علوم اسلامی از اهمیت ویژه­ای برخوردار بود. منظور از علوم اسلامی، علومی مانند قرآن، حدیث، فقه و کلام است که موضوع و مسائل آن علوم، اصول يا فروع اسلام و يا چيزهائی است که اصول و فروع اسلام به استناد آنها اثبات می‌شود. پایه ریزی علوم اسلامی راهی به منظور ارائه اسلام راستین و مقابله با بدعت و انحرافات ایجاد شده در حوزه آن محسوب می شود. تحقیق در این موضوع می تواند جایگاه برجسته امام کاظم (ع) در معرفی و احیای اسلام اصیل، علیرغم تمام فشارهای وارد شده از سوی حکومت بر آن حضرت، را نمایان شود. براساس آنچه بیان شد پژوهش حاضر بر مبنای روش توصیفی – تحلیلی، به منظور پاسخ به چیستی و چرایی راهبرد امام موسی کاظم (ع) در پایه ریزی علوم اسلامی سامان یافته است.  با تأملی در مصادر به این حقیقت می رسیم که راهبرد امام کاظم (ع)، ارائه علوم اسلامی از طریق آموزش به دو روش حضوری و مکاتبه و نیز تربیت شاگردان متخصص در شاخه های مختلف این بخش از دانش می باشد؛ راهبردی که ضمن حفظ زنجیره آموزشی در علوم اسلامی، سبب انتقال این علوم به نسل های بعد شیعیان را ایجاد می کرد و از این طریق نقش مهمی در پایه ریزی علوم اسلامی ایفا نمود. 

کلیدواژه­ها: آموزش، امام کاظم(ع)، علوم اسلامی، مکاتبات، شاگردان متخصص.

[1] . دانش آموخته دکتری تاریخ تشیع، گروه تاریخ دانشگاه اصفهان، اصفهان، ایران

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