The Quranic Intertextuality in the Tragedy of Oedipus

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Tarbiat Modares University

2 Ph.D Student of Tarbiat Modares University

3 M.A Student of Tarbiat Modares University


Intertextuality is one of the most significant techniques to which modern literary scholars have paid considerable attention. Intertextuality signifies the participation of the texts within one another, thus every literary text contains several other texts with which it bears relations.
The ancient scholars had recognized the phenomenon of intertextuality as well, labeling it though as plagiarism or adoption. The holy Quran has received a lot of attention and praise from poets and writers for its elevated meanings, precious concepts and its beautiful rhetorical devices.
Ali Ahmed Bakatheer, as a committed writer, dedicated his life to the promotion of Islamic thought in society, and in this respect, utilized a range of subjects. Inspired by the Holy Quran and its distinguished meanings, he endowed the tragedy of the Oedipus an Islamic aura.
Through a descriptive-analytic method, the current article attempts to consider the way Bakatheer managed to utilize intertextuality-both in formal (appearance) and spiritual (concealed) terms-in order to merge the play with the Islamic thought and to draw it closer to the Islamic Arabic culture.


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