Inhabits of The Cave Play by Tawfiq al-Hakim: A Comparison between Quranic and Contemporary Usage

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty Member of Guilan University, Department of Arabic Language and Literature


In contemporary Arabic literature recalling of Quranic characters as the using of characters, events or historical periods in literary works are considered as the latest levels of connection between contemporary literature and his heritage. Holy Quran is one of the sources which its characters and stories have been used a lot in literature and this has resulted in the enrichment of literature. Because religious heritage has a special place in public opinion, after Arab defeat in 1967 poets and litterateurs have turned to this religious heritage and being inspired by it they have agitated the wills and have given a contemporary function to it.
Like the other litterateurs, Tawfiq al-Hakim the great Egyptian litterateur has used Quranic themes. By relying on religious heritage he has utilized Quranic stories especially in his play “Inhabits of The Cave”. Our goal in this article is to study the amount of accordance and difference between the play “Inhabits of The Cave” by Tawfiq al-Hakim and the story of Inhabits of The Cave in Holy Quran.


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