Elegy of Imam Hussein (AS) in the Epic of Eid Ghadir

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor in kharazmi University

2 Ph.D Student in Arabic Language and Literature Courses


This paper reviews the elegy themes of Imam Hussein (AS) in the epic of ‘Eid Ghadir’ composed by Christian poet boolos Salama, and begins with the introduction of the Ashura literature and especially poetry surrounding Imam Hussein. This article talks about the laborious life of poet and his compilations especially his great Islamic epic, which is famous in the field of literature, and also talks about his character representing the spirit of excellence, the dilemma beyond the endurance of spirit confined to writing poetry, especially writing on household of Imam and their eulogy. Salame believes that they are exemplary models that should be followed, this invitation from a Christian poet absorb more attention when we he composed this epic in the year of Palestine occupation.
So he believes that Arabic nations need to follow former gallants at that time more than ever but the fascination of this poet appear in particular when speaking of the event of Ashura .He weeps and writs the event in the eve of Imam Hussein martyrdom and prepare others to cry. He expresses his feelings in writing and goes from the usual tradition of epic poetry to a form of non-self poetry. The output is not only a defect, but also an epic which absorbs astonishing critics. Finally, this article examines the elegy themes of Imam Hussein (AS) in his epic grandeur, including expression of the virtues of Imam and his ordeal and others mentioned in the this article.


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