A Study of Prophetic Eloquences and their Effect in Arabic Poets

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Department of Arabic language and Literature, Institute for Humanities Sciences and cultural Studies


The glorious prophetic parables, as part of the Islamic parables, contain the expressions so impressive and delightful that indicate the splendid eloquence of the blessed Prophet. These parables _ which have strong context, novel concept, and firm style, and originated from a dynamic and profound thought and have many advantages _ indicate that the blessed Prophet spoke in perfect eloquence and stated the prominent concepts with short statements so that no Arab could compete with him in speech. The words he used in his speech are as beautiful as the  meanings, and on the contrary, the meanings are in perfect agreement with the words; besides, the combination of the words he used is so beautiful as if his speech is like a nifty and charming necklace.
The pivotal discussions of this article are as follows: Prophetic parables, their distinguished eloquent features, and their impact on  Arabic poetry. The author of this article, at first, discusses about the prophetic eloquence and the  superiority of the Prophet’s splendid parables to the common parables in Arabic language and other languages; then he introduces some of the Muslim scholars’ works written about prophetic parables; and, at last, he discusses about some selected parables that Arab poets used them in their poems and composed the poems under the in fluence of the prophetic eloquence which are the symbol of goodness, guidance, and faithfulness.
