Martyr and Martyrdom in Arabic Contemporary Poem

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic language and Literature, Azarbayjan Tarbiat Moalem, Azarshahr- Tabriz


The subject of the martyrdom and the martyr didn't develop and didn't become of various kinds, unless in the modern age and of course, after the wars had occurred in Arabic countries and after revolutions had taken place and after the moslem champions had sacrificed themselves to Allah and home country.
so that, we see poets everyday that they cooperate with these champions in these revolutions and sacrifices with their poetic art; such as :Imaging  and symbolizing and inspiring and conversing and etc. and by making fir of battle in Revolutionists’ heart for Revenging on injustice and insurrection and by immortalizing their heroisms and memoirs and transmit them to the living persons to become an active and agentive power for them.
Therefore, the human smell of the martyrdom spreads everyday from poetry of these poets, whom any one of them pay attending to this subject from special Angle and create beautiful poetic tableaus and pictures of these martyrs which contain their histories and events.
Thereupon we observe the martyr that he appears in these pictures as shinier Star or inspiring reformer or symbol of constancy in momentous affairs of native country or living person who doesn’t deserve an elegy to be composed for, or …
