Theory of Science and Knowledge in the Quran

Document Type : Research Paper


Authorized Manager for St.clements University in the I.R.Iran


Since the Renaissance contend ideas for a theory of a new understanding of the concept of science and knowledge.
Move omitted the role of knowledge-building and the formulation of the concept of science, which is created and consists of theory and shape so as to complement to be material technical and technological dimensions in the basic sciences.
And is disclosure the role of the humanities and social sciences in building a theory of science and knowledge.
Perhaps the deeper sources Hwaluhi divine When Looking beyond the concepts of the Koran we have demonstrated an integrated map of the theoretical foundation of the theory of science and knowledge.
Foundations of the theory is based on several data-building concepts through the construction of the mind and build the foundations of knowledge has Quranic concepts and realize we are moving across perception and interpretation of semantics-use unit and to activate the role of the practical and applied science to the concept of embodied theory of science and applied knowledge as the basis of Quranic concepts of this thesis was.


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