Matching between the pronoun and its antecedent in Quran

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor, Azarbaijan university, Faculty Tarbiat modarres


Language is a system and every system has rules that govern the structure of its vocabulary. The rules of the Arabic language are based on the vowels that consistent with the meanings used in the context represent the words' position. There are some basic rules in addition to vowels which are mostly seen in the written texts. One of these rules is the matching rule that refers to the conditions under which two terms have got several features in common. Matching phenomenon appears in the words in which vowel reality doesn't exist; In this case they just match the words that have vowel position in the sentence. There are three kinds of matching in Arabic: (1) matching of two terms in one quality such as matching of referred term to referring term in vowels, (2) matching in two qualities like matching of a subject to its predicate in number and type, (3) matching in more than two qualities such as matching of an adjective to its noun in vowels, type, and number. Almost all pronouns refer to special nouns; Matching of pronouns to nouns to which they refer is one of the rules that have a great application in languages. It is very important that a pronoun match its antecedent in number and gender. There are many pronouns in the Holy Quran that are supposed to deviate from the syntactic rules and their appearance shows that they don't match their antecedents in number and gender.
This article studies the rules related to matching of pronouns to nouns they refer to and represents some examples of matching in the Holy Quran. Besides matching examples, this article makes a survey of verses in which pronouns don't apparently match their antecedents. In order to support the present topic, different viewpoints of scientists and specially those are preferable to others and the main reasons for this preference


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