Demonstrations of revolution and resistance in the poetry of Abdelaziz Al – Maqaleh

Document Type : Research Paper




As a poet, an academic critic and one of the symbols of contemporary Yemeni poetry, especially in contemporary Arabic poetry, Abdelaziz al-Maqaleh is a prominent figure in the movement of literature and criticism. He played an active role in the Yemeni revolution and popular resistance. He took poetry as a weapon to defend his people and as a means of expressing his suffering and pain in aesthetic and aesthetic values. Whether he lived in Yemen or Sana'a or was an expatriate in Arab capitals such as Cairo, where his poems are frank and direct and have little ambiguity. Al-Maqaleh entered into the issues of the Yemeni homeland and the Arab nation and lived many of their calamities. He has a great role in activating and motivating people to struggle against enemies and occupiers, and to be a great future and a safe and safe country for his people. The reader of his poetry finds it as if he predicted in his poetry, what the Yemeni people suffer from suffocation, aggression, deprivation, backwardness, illiteracy and ignorance. This study aims at shedding light on Al-Maqaleh's resistant poetry and focusing on the most important axes of resistance and revolution and its elements in his poetry according to descriptive descriptive approach. One of the most prominent findings of the article is that Al-Maqaleh has a presence in the Yemeni circles, which deals with social issues such as poverty and deprivation, In the unification of the word of the people of Yemen and the Arab nation. In this regard it is often noted that he has employed the heritage and legendary figures and people, as is the focus on much of the potential in his poetry.


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