The Thinking Perspective in the Novel "Alshahaz" by Naguib Mahfouz

Document Type : Research Paper



Exploring nature, human nature, or the nature of reality is one of the most important issues in philosophical literary theory. The philosophical novel "The Beggar" is an account that completes the philosophical, psychological, and mystical dimensions of humanity. It is a novel based on a hero and presents a true account of human beings' exploration of reality and human nature in search of God almighty. Naguib Mahfouz, the author of the novel, attempted to reveal human beings' misery and misguidance in this world for all humanity via "Omar Al Hamzawi," the antagonist. Humanity is in dire need to know itself. Therefore, humans are in fact beggars who beg themselves and their own reality and are exploring their divine dimension. This novel includes psychological, philosophical, and mystical ideas to the extent that it forces the audience to reflect on their deeds, mind, and what the world demands of them. In addition, the novel induces attitudes of complaining, doubting, worrying, and questioning in the audience. It has elements of imagination, tragedy, and bitter truth and is a mixture of the presence and absence of the humane dimension of humanity.


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