The role of the scholars in interpreting the Quran (during the fourteenth century AH)

Document Type : Research Paper




It is not hidden to one of the scholars that the cultural and scientific influences of Kurdish scientists locally and scientifically in Islamic history, and they introduced the Islamic library the greatest books of the interpretation of the Quran and other sciences. The researcher in this article discloses to us the role of Kurdish scholars during the twentieth century AD, with shedding light on the most prominent interpretive approaches. This research consists of a preface and six chapters and conclusions, the introduction briefly deals with the care of the Kurdish people to study the Islamic sciences in all its branches, and their interest in the interpretation of the Quran, the seven chapters  are devoted to the presentation of what the Kurdish scholars in interpretation of the Quran and their participation in this blessed work, and after the collection and investigation written by the Kurdish interpreters; we noticed the diversity in their ideas in this area, in which full and complete interpretation, including the interpretation of parts of the Quran, and detailed interpretations, including its summary and entirety, it contains the published interpretation and manuscript. Finally, we try to shed light on the most important interpretative methods to the Kurdish interpreters of the rational and reasonable and other. In the conclusion, I limit the speech to the most important that obtained from the results.


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