Equilibrium ,Essence of Islamic Architecture

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor At the Faculty of Architecture, Science and Arts University(Yazd)


Architecture is the external appearance of the legislation world, and a container of human life, it plays an important life of improving the ability of people and find out the proper background to reach perfectness and equilibrium. Since Islamic Architecture is a phenomenon that originated from Islamic point of view, it is creating an important domain for balance and equilibrium in the world. So in this paper, the focus of the study is to proof that equilibrium is the essence of Islamic Architecture.Equilibrium in the world around us cover all internal and external things and, because of tight relationships between world system, the result that could be obtained is that, the equilibrium is not only the essence of sole and world but also the essence of Islamic architecture. First, identifying Islamic Architecture and, the concepts about it from scientists and orientalists point of view will be taken into consideration, then ,criticism of all concepts and ideas will also be discussed. Through close thinking of the world and creation and Islam as a religion and appearance of the legislation world, the paper will point out the reality that state the equilibrium is a low in the world, and it is the essence of Islamic Architecture.


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