Martyr in the poetry of Izzedin Al-Manasrah

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor. (Lead Author). Departman of Arabic language and literature. Tarbiat Modarres University

2 Professor. Departman of Arabic language and literature. Tarbiat Modarres University

3 Associate Professor. Departman of Arabic language and literature. Allame Tabatabaie University

4 Assistant Professor. Departman of Arabic language and literature .Shahid Beheshti University


Testimony, selection, election, and reverence are the divine servants of God, and martyrs and martyrs are one of the most prominent components of poetry of resistance to the most extensive poetry areas that poets consider. Therefore, the poet of the resistance must shape his own destiny and be the source of freedom and independence and adhere to the issues of his nation.The Palestinian poet, Izz al-Din Mozaraha, is among the poets of resistance and those who are martyrs and martyrs. Devoted to the freedom of choosing faith and is responsible for the society that depends on it, and it is accompanied by the efforts of its people and helps against the oppression and the outbreak of resistance against the tyranny, and He does not accept reconciliation with the fact that his nation is in it, and boasts of the greatness, courage, wrath and sacrifices of his nation, as well as the impatience of the martyrs and their influence on others.This essay attempts to study the role of the martyr in the poetry of Mozareh and his poems, which is the story of the Mujahideen and the martyrs, in the framework of thematic critique and on the basis of a descriptive-analytical method. At the same time, he intends to familiarize himself with the literature of his resistance with a glance at the poet's life, character and culture, and evaluate the position of the martyr in all his poetry collections. One of the results of this research is the effect of flux from an Islamic approach, which calls the Islamic and Qur'anic characters in his poem to indicate the role of the martyr's mission in life and death.


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