Religious manifestations in the journey of Ibn Jubayr Andalusian

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature

2 PhD graduate of Arabic language and literature from the University of Avicenna


The journey is a literary material of self-literary genres which show the psychosocialities of  travelers and its religious tendencies Its social tendencies and its technical methods. and rarely find a traveler depicts his observations of these trends and tendencies, The speech in the journey was then associated with the self-characteristics of  its owner. Ibn Jubayr al-Kannani An Andalusian traveler The speech on his journey is characterized by religious and islamic preaching this is  because he was a religious figure and jurist his motivation for this journey is to travel to Makkah to perform Hajj this trip is considered one of the hijaz trips that were dominated by religious tendencies and Islamic flashes and depicted the Islamic manifestations such as beliefs, beliefs, religious figures and Islamic groups. This study is based on the descriptive descriptive approach aimed at investigating these demonstrations And found that these aspects have a wide presence on his journey which we see in the commitment to realism, the religious semitism of the subjects, and the description of the Islamic faith and the recruitment of religious figures, and the portrayal of islamic beliefs, and prejudice to islamic mallems.


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