Stylistics Comparison between Mecca and Medina suras in vocabulary diversity. (for example Taha and Noor suras)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Graduate student in Arabic field، Imam Khomeini International University،Qazvin،Iran

2 Assistant Professor Imam Khomeini International University،Qazvin،Iran


. The most important of these modern trends that shed light on the text and Quranic text to see the language is astylistic or stylistics which purpose is to identify how to use  the language in the  text. Stylistics has different methods including statistical stylistics that by using statistics in the service of language leads to precise stylistic results in every kinds of texts. One of these statistical stylistics approach is  Johnsonʼs  theory of lexical diversity  which is individually based on lexical statistics in each text to  identify it’s lexical wealth. this article campares  Mecca and Medina suras and these statistical stylistic studies according to Johnsonʼs theory firstly  to explain the efficiency of this stylistic method in Quranic studies with a  descriptive - analytic approach and secondly to show the potential  diversity in lexical wealth of Mecca and Medina suras. So this study discusses the stylistic features of the two suras Mecca and Medina in the first step of a broader search and analyzes the verbal wealth by measuring vocabulary and then compares the semantic field of these suras  based on lexical diversity results. Including results that there is no significant difference in lexical wealth of Mecca and Medina suras despite of these substantive differences.Medina suras semantic field concerns about community and sentences and semantic field in Mecca suras is about beleifs that can be proved with the help of lexical diversity statistics.


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