The image of palestinian prisoner in the Haroon Hashem''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s divan "a flower on the forehead of Qods"

Document Type : Research Paper



Occupying palestine and what happened afrer that as killing, violence and displace, pushe the palestinian to confront occupiers using all resistance means and tenure for them bravely to reach freedom . Occupiers gathered all those freedom seekers and hurl them in the dark prisons. They experienced all kinds of cruelty and torture. But, these prisoners carry a fighting and inlighting message for the people of palestine. Their being in prison played an important role in developing islamic values and stabling the culture of resistance. Many of resistance poets imaged their stands and heroism. One of those poets who made a divan for the prisoners is Haroon Hashem Rashid. This study worked on the prisoner''''''''s image in Haroon''''''''s poetry and based on a descriptive way of research the researcher tried to clarify the features of prisoners in " a flower on the forehead of Qods" divan. We concluded that the poet do not lamented prisoners and used poetry to clarify their heroism and to reclaim their rights. Also Haroon tried to unmask policies of the occupiers toward prisoners. All this to awake Arab contries to commission this case.


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