AhmadFoadNajm in ironiclyrics

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature Razi Universty

2 M.A.student in Arabic Language and Literature Razi University



Ahmad foad Najm is one of the prominent stair popets in Egypt’s resistance literature class of najms stair is political and social stair and he uses it as a scittle to express his political and social stews. He employs two basic patterns in his stair structures.The clear stair in which the poet criticizes the political and social groups of Arabs world and the other one is the reverse stair in which the poet represents his purpose to the reder by his creature. Najm has chosen different themes to express stair scoff and jocundity which the most important ones are: the society criticism, Iaying the blame on government officials and political envoys, the criticism of stranger hands in interval functions of country the economical situation criticism….. this research studies and analyzes the stair types and themes in this poets resistance literature.


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