The conflict of hero in Quran stories (Prophet Moses’ personality as a model)

Document Type : Research Paper




The holy Quran is full of stories and its verses are occupied by lots of them, and the hero has the main role in them, so that the hero has a high role in moving the events of the story, enliven it and the detection of the ideas. The prophets and messengers are the most important heroes in Quran stories; Prophet Moses has the most presence in its scenes. However, his roles have been different in many cases. This is what we are dealing in this paper.We have taken the analytical_ descriptive method in our study, and if it is needed we will have comparisons to reach this conclusion that although Prophet Moses has suffered from big events and difficult tasks, he never stopped even for a moment his efforts to save God’s worshipers whom were considered weak by cruel and free them from ignorance and backwardness.From this view point, he is more significant than other heroes in stories and myths of other nations who are created by human imagination and generally Prophet Moses’ personality is unique either in human’s storytelling or God’s.And finally the purpose of this brief study is introducing the real aspect of hero Moses’ personality not only as a human being who acts like natural humans but also as a Prophet who has done his missionary (God’s mission) in the best way.


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