A Comparative Analysis of the Elements of Resistance in Sa’di Yousef and Salman Harati Poems

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor at the Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies

2 M.A of Arabic Language and Literature in Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies



Both Iran and Iraq during their countries’ histories have seen numerous political events. The most important event that can be seen in contemporary histories of both countries is war. The involvement of both nations with ominous phenomena of war has caused the formation of somewhat similar approaches in the cultures of these two countries. One of these similar approaches is the formation of resistance culture which can be seen in the literature of both nations. The comparative study of two poets from Iran and Iraq i.e. Salman Harati (1338-1365 SH) and Sa’di Yousef (born 1934-AC) which is done through descriptive-analytic method shows the presence of common themes like patriotism, call to fight, media criticism, Palestine, cosmopolitanism, and promoting the culture of martyrdom in these two poets’ poems. The results of this research also indicate some minor differences in themes and styles of these two poets


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