Past Legacy Use in the Novel of Najib Mahfouz Chatter on the Nil

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Department of Arabic /Language and Literature Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz



Contemporary poets and writers use from their past legacy and their work influenced by the relationship to the bad or good works of the past writers whom they revealed strength and weakness of the past societies. Najib Mahfouz used past legacy in his work by “ThartharaFawq Al-Nil (“Chatter on the Nile”) and animate and quicken his novel with this skill. He used Kinds of past legacies such as history, theology, literature and folkloric. He utilized these skills to show us that they figure out the great novel and according to the events of the novel they are used. This novel is one of philosophic and a sample of Najib Mahfouz and he used theology and history a lot in this great novel. The legacy of theology related to the philosophic method of the novel and legacy of the history related to the history specially the history of Egypt. The method which he used in this novel is descriptive-analytic one.


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