Stylistic Study of “Qasidat al-Hussein (AS), Ya Ibn al-Kiram” of Christian Poet George Zaki Al-Hajj

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Literature, University of Shahid Bahonar, Kerman, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Isfahan



Qasidat al-Hussein (AS), Ya Ibn al-Kiram” is a poem written on Imam Hussein (AS) and the tragedy of Ashura, there are also features of the resistance literature in it.
This study addressed Qasidat al-Hussein (AS), by descriptive analytical method and based on the statistical stylistics.
In this study, we investigated the phonetic level looking for sonorous and whispered phonemes and treat them as strong and soft sounds. The sonorous phonemes and more severe sounds fit with the epic theme of the qasidah poem.
At syntax level, the phrasal and nominal sentences on the one hand and the past and present verbs on the other hand were investigated using statistics. Present verbs employed in the poem show the immortality of Imam Hussein (AS) and his presence in the heart of the poet.
Rhetorical level contains oxymoron, metaphor and simile. We can realize the conflict between the good and the evil in the poem at the morphological level through the observation of the plural suffixes of the paucity and abundance and the pronoun “they” for the good and the evil as well as the “addressee” pronoun that has a special place in qasidah addressing Imam Hussein (AS).


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