Semantic Fields in Nahj al-Fasaha (Stars, earth, treasures, faith, gains and forgiveness)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Farabi College, University of Tehran

2 Ph.D Candidate of Arabic Literature at Farabi College, University of Tehran



Theories of semantic fields are the most valuable topics of semantics in linguistic researches. This concept refers to the set of words which are the subset of a general meaning connected through special relations. In fact, semantics is the summary of words’ relations with each other. Therefore, this study aims to investigate semantic fields in Nahj al-Fasaha, to explain relations among words including contrast, antonymy and synonymy, to study collocational and syntagmatic relations among words and opposition in the prayers of the prophet, and to investigate semantic fields of stars, earth, precious stones, faith and knowledge within explicit textual relations, as well as to examine the words which changed after Islam.
This study investigates and expresses the aesthetics of the contrasts found in the supplications of Prophet (the greatest eloquent of Arab) by descriptive-analytic method.


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