The Character of Prophet Mohammad in the Poetry of Allamah Mohammad Hussein Fadlullah

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Persian Gulf University


Allameh Fadlullah is known as the poet of the jurists and the jurist of the poets. In his Diwan (collection of poems), he has addressed a variety of themes, including the Prophet’s character. He believes that Prophet Muhammad was not a mere servant of Allah. He was a transmitter of the massage and a connector of God and Ummah (the Islamic nation), rather than simply a connector of God and an individual. The characteristics of the Prophet as mentioned by Fadlullah include: the Prophet of peace and friendship, the Prophet of morality, the Prophet of grace and mercy, the Prophet as the example and role-model, and the Prophet of humanity. This paper explores the character of Prophet Mohammad in the poetry of Allamah Fadlullah and the influence of the Qur'an on his poetry to investigate the influence of the Prophet’s character on the society and people’s lives. Fadlullah believes that people and the future generations need to set the Prophet as their role-model and the example of human perfection. In his poems, he also tries to invite people to be engaged in a relationship with Allah and the Prophet. He further believes that the idea of brotherhood of all prophets Allah encourages unity and a spirit of brotherhood among their followers. The paper employs a descriptive, analytical and investigative approach in selecting poetry lines about the Prophet’s character, analyzing their literary and rhetorical qualities and their implications, and examining the influence of the Qur'an on them.


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