A Research on the Artistic Image in the Qur'an Stories A Case Study: The Story of Prophet Sulayman (PBUH)

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz



Scholars of the past have address important topics in the field of Arabic rhetoric, including discussions of the word and the sense, a topic from which discussions of the image, or as modern critics would call, the artistic image, emerges. Thus, critics and rhetoric experts consider the artistic image (or the image) as a valid tool in literary criticism. A useful result this is the possibility of studying the Quran stories from a literary point of view. This research focused on artistic images in the story of Sulayman (Solomon) the Prophet in the Quran and addressed various aspects of the images, including powerfulness and effectiveness of presentation of the story, imagination, emotions and impression on the reader. The research adopted a descriptive-analytical approach and studied a number of different images in various verses of the Quran. The results reveal that the external music of the story orchestrates the internal music of the text and that this is in harmony with the reader’s mood. It also demonstrates that artistic images have a powerful impact on creating the structure of the story.


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