Characteristics of Utopia for Jamil Sidqi al-Zahawi

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Kharazmi University, Tehran

2 M.A in Arabic Language and Literature, Kharazmi University, Tehran



Any philosophical poet has a utopia. Jamil Sidqi al-Zahawi was a philosophical poet, who analyzed phenomena of the universe from a philosophical perspective. He played a great role in awakening and motivating the nation and in developing in them the need for a better life. His intention was to promotecertain humanistic values in the society with his poems, and he therefore set out to build foundations of a utopia in his own life. The main characteristics of al-Zahawi’s utopia are: knowledge and education, homeland’s independence, freedom of speech, justice, fondness of development, interest in life, and caring for woman’s status in the society.
This paper employed adescriptive and analytical methodology, and aimed the following:
1. Present a historical background of emergence of the idea of utopia among philosophers.
2. Introducing al-Zahawi’s poetry and its connections with science and philosophy.
3. Exploring the main characteristics of inhabitants of the utopia in al-Zahawi poetry.
4. Investigating how to acquire these characteristics based on al-Zahawi poetry.


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